Hello from bradenton, florida

The west coast of florida has beautiful sugar sand beaches. When i post a sit, it only takes between 5 and 15 minutes to get lots of applicants.
I have two sweet female cockapoos that the sitters seem to fall in love with instantly. They are 15 years old, so they love to snuggle on the couch and go to dog parks to hang out with the people and the dogs.
I am a retired high school social studies teacher from upstate new york. My career in education tended to make me really organized in order to survive. . My sitters always comment on my 3 ring tabbed binder of house rules and fun things to see and do. I have created a file with maps and pamphlets from local restaurants and attractions. It is alphabetical by cities within a 100 mile radius. I think that it is important to offer suggestions so they enjoy the sit.
Karen Ferris-Fearnside