Hello From São Paulo,Brazil

Hello there!
My name is Fernanda and I’m from São Paulo,Brazil. I’ve been looking at the Trusted Housesitters and I’m just in love with all the lovely people and pets I saw. :heart:
I have a beautiful mixed-raced dog called Bart, he is 9 and loves cuddling and playing with his lhama-toy.
I’m very excited to meet you all and being a sitter in a near future.


@Fernandaa Hello and a very warm welcome to the TrustedHousesitters community forum. Here you will be able to find answers to your questions as a new owner/sitter and there are many experienced and helpful community members on hand to give advice and tips. Please also reach previous topics using the ‘spyglass’.

Wow, what a cute photo of the lovely Bart! That made me smile.

If you need any help joining the website and getting started just let me know.

Best wishes Carla


Ola @Fernandaa
Bem vendo
Saludos de Uruguay :uruguay:

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Muchas gracias por responderme. Creo que nosotras somos vecinas jajaja a mí me gusta muchíssimo Uruguay y quiero a conocer el país en breve.

Hello, Amparo!

Thank you very much for answering me. I think we are neighbours hahaha I like Uruguay very much and I want to visit the country soon.

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Ola Fernanda! Seja bem vinda! Trusted Housesitters simplesmente mudou minha vida! Eu e meu marido estamos a quase 2 anos viajando e cuidando dos pets mais queridos do mundo! Sugestão: Comece o quanto antes!!! Qualquer duvida, pode me chamar!

Hi Fernanda! Welcome! Trusted Housesitters simply changed my life! Me and my husband have been travelling for almost 2 years and taking care of the most loved pets in the world! Suggestion: Start as soon as possible! Any doubts, call me!

Obrigada :grin: De onde você é? Estou ansiosa para minha primeira viagem internacional (que provavelmente será apenas no final do ano) e o Trusted Housesitters com certeza será de grande ajuda. Como é viver pela estrada?

Thank you :grin: Where are you from? I’m looking forward to my first international trip (which probably won’t be until the end of the year) and Trusted Housesitters will definitely be of great help. What’s it like living on the road?

Translated by moderator for more participation and engagement.

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Wow lovely pet

Hello @Fernandaa and welcome to the Community Forum :wave:t2::slightly_smiling_face:
Bart looks absolutely adorable :dog::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
I absolutely adore São Paulo, such a beautiful part of the world. Whereabouts in the world are you hoping to Sit? :earth_americas::blush:

Hi Fernanda. I’m from Divinopolis - MG. We discovered THS during a MotorHome trip in the US and since then it has become a lifestyle.
The biggest problem for us Brazilians is our money (R$ Reais) which the exchange rate is not favorable at all. But with the possibility of working remotely earning in Euro or Dollar solves this problem! :sweat_smile:

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