Help Invite to sit, how is this generated

Hi Vanessa
Not sure who this should go to but thought you’d be able to help
I was accepted for a sit a couple of days ago.
I messaged the homeowner to ask that she sends the invite to sit. I am not a homeowner so I don’t know how this is generated by the system or what is required by the HO.
The HO tells me that she clicked accepted on my application, is this all she needs to do ?
I haven’t received the usual email to inform me that I have been chosen.
Can you help or point us in the right direction.

Hi there… great news about the sit. I’m tagging @Therese as she will be able to help you with this. I’m just enjoying a few days holiday, but if Therese isn’t available @Angela_L will pick this up :slight_smile:

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Hi @fyfie @Therese is getting to this for you and will respond.

@fyfie I have sent you an email via our membership services. thanks Therese

@fyfie , this happened to me too. You have to go to your inbox and click Confirmed. After that everything should be in place.

@Therese @Vanessa_A @Angela_L @mars

Thanks for helping out with this. All good now. :smile_cat: :dog:

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