Help with real time sit alerts

Hi all,

I’m wondering if there is a better way to utilize the alerts for new house sits. Currently the only alerts I get are the daily email alerts that get sent at the end of the day, or if i have already “liked/favorited” a sit and the HO posts new dates for it.

I have read that you can get real time (immediate) alerts for listings in specific areas but I have not figured out how to get these instant alerts. If it helps any i use the website as well as the app, but usually only use the app for fast communication.

TIA for your help!


Hello @mvaldez67 and yes there are various ways to get alerts for new house sits based on search criteria that you save … these are known as “saved searches”.

You can do this on both the app and the website but they work slightly differently. The number of saved searches you can create depends on the type of account that you have. I will check your account shortly and update this post shortly.

Here are the instructions from the “help desk” and I will add some other links to some relevant topics here in the forum. But this should get you started:

If you need more help our membership services team are always on hand to assist, but see how you get on with the excellent advice you will find from our members here in the forum!

All the best
Vanessa and the forum team

Here’s a thread you might find interesting too:

Hi @Vanessa_A thanks for replying!

I have a premium membership. I do already have plenty of saved searches set up for my account- but i only get the daily email alerts (usually at the end of the day) which sometimes isnt helpful specifically when i’m aiming to be one of the first applicants for a sit.

I have read that it is possible to set up instant alerts that notify you as soon as a new sit is available- but this is what im having trouble figuring out…

Ah… I think this may be the reason … as explained here by Product Manager Ben…

You will get hourly (not instant) alerts on from your app, but need to have permissions set to ON for your mobile device. Have you seen alerts come through from the app? I tend to use the app for notifications when I have searches set, and revert to the website when making applications (I’m not a fast or accurate phone typist!!).

Let me also tag @Lucy-B here as she may have some further insight or advice to offer on best practices for this topic.


ohhhh got it- i have only ever set up alerts on the actual website, not the app. I will set up new alerts via the app and hope that works better for more up to date listings!

Hello Vanessa, Who should I reach out to? I have my phone set up to receive alerts on the app when my “saved” searches get new dates. See attached screenshot.

However, I have never received one single alert, and I know the sits have posted new dates, because I check regularly – because the alerts function in the app seems to be unreliable.

I have a Samsung S10 (Android operating system). Any thoughts will be appreciated. Thank you!

Hi @Crosswords_and_puzzles and I wish I could give you a quick solution but this is one for membership services as they will need to check this through with you to find out what’s stopping the alerts from reaching you. I’m going to tag @Lucy-B who will pick this up when next online this evening.

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I just changed the permission in this sub-menu in Settings, so thank you for the suggestion, BunnyCat! I hope it works. If it doesn’t, I’ll pursue Vanessa’s suggestion to touch base with @Lucy-B.

Thank you, all! :slight_smile:


Hi @Crosswords_and_puzzles I think that the very helpful @BunnyCat may have hit the nail on the head there so hopefully now you have allowed notifications in your phone settings, all will be resolved and you will receive notifications.

Of course, if this doesn’t resolve things then do let me know and I can put my Membership Services hat on and take a look into it.

All the best


This worked PERFECTLY!! Thank you.

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