HO asking for rent

Hi @LassieRose I refer to my previous post in answer to @Silversitters

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I wonder if those four applicants :crazy_face: have just jumped in, to beat the 5 application limit, without reading it properly. Why would anyone willingly pay that much!

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I saw that ad. Those people have an absolute cheek and anyone who applied for that is just being taken advantage of. I really think the ad should be pulled down as it’s not In the parameters for THS. £1000 per month is not a contribution to bills.


Where was this? I’m fascinated!

Yes me too, fascinated to know where it is…?

@Edith @Gina Brighton, England


What was the conclusion with this £1000 sit? How long was it for (as in how many weeks/months)?

Maybe it’s down already—not seeing it.

Can’t find it, I hope it has been removed.

I had a look at this listing, and I can absolutely see why they want a contribution because it’s beautiful and still works out cheaper than renting similar properties in that area. It would be a sweet deal for the sitter (well, depends on the type of person they are as a HO I suppose). £1000 all inclusive for that area is pretty cheap.

With current utility prices in the UK the way they are, for that length of sit - if a sitter used absolutely tonnes more electricity or gas that the HO, it’s probably not unreasonable for them to make up some of that.

However, they definitely want it both ways. What they should be doing is handing it over to a letting agent and letting it out as an Airbnb whilst they are away - it would cost more fees, but they would 100% make more money off it that way. Then they should put the animals in kennels.

It would absolutely just encourage other people to do the same, if they do it via trusted housesitter they are avoiding all types of paperwork, fees, stress etc that renting or Airbnb’ing it out would cause. I absolutely think this would encourage landlords to start using THS to let out properties under the table, and possibly get free pet care out of it as well.

I had a friend stay in my flat and pay utilities last year (they were given an allowance by their work and it was near their office), it worked really well, so I looked into doing it again this year with a stranger, and nope, way too much work. This is basically what they want, but with cats and strangers. It’s a slippery slope and I really hope THS doesn’t allow it.

Edit for the person below who suggested I might be the HO, since the topic is closed: did you even read what I wrote? I said for the area it was in, if you were to rent for 6 months it would be a sweet deal - but absolutely not in the context of THS. I then went on to say precisely what you went on to say, that it shouldn’t be allowed.

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Are you the HO because this seems super suspicious :face_with_raised_eyebrow: there is not a single part of that offering that makes it a sweet deal :laughing:

The whole point of THS is it is a free exchange. Why on earth would you expect someone to pay money to look after your pets?

The alternative is to send the cats to boarding and rent the house out which would be a better solution for them. You know with the attitude they have they would be a nightmare to deal with as their approach to this platform is completely wrong.

If the pets would be safer and happier staying in the home then part of the requirement to do the job of taking care of them involves being in the house. It’s like going to work in an office and being asked to pay for printing worksheets or keeping the lights on.

I’ve stayed in places ten times the costs for their apartment in very expensive cities around the world and nobody has ever been rude enough to ask for me to pay them for the privilege of taking care of their pets.

Absolutely shocking.


I feel sorry for the cats. It would be a sweet deal if it was advertised on Airbnb. It is nervy here on THS. I won’t even apply to sits that want a contribution to utilities. Would you let your cat and dog go without heat, water etc?


This. As I read it I imagined “asking for permission” to leave for a few days (to travel, take care of family matters, whatever) and what their reaction would likely be. E.G, “You need to pay to have another sitter come!”


We have the same type of discussions on a home exchange forum. You can either exchange home for home and everybody wins. Or, you can exchange a ‘Globe’ (travel coin) for a home. These globes are quite valuable, as it means next time you might offer someone a globe and don’t have to offer a stay in your home… As always, some people want to receive a Globe AND have the exchangers look after their pets as well, which many others feel are unfair, as it adds extra stress and might not be an equal exchange. So yes, although I agree that I wouldn’t pay for sitting someone’s pets, I guess it’s what others feel comfortable with and are willing to put up with.

It was for 6 months.

@Katie was the host charging £1000 per mth or £1000 for the 6 months?

I tried to look for the listing but I think it has been removed / no longer exists? I would not want to apply for it, just interested to know what the conclusion is and I hope that THS does not become like this all the time but if it does become the norm here, I will move to another platform :kissing_heart:


It’s 1000 per month, so 6000 for the entire sit. It’s a flat, not a large home, it’s definitely not just utilities. They say it’s a contribution to cover bills.

Admin Notice: This Topic is now Closed.

This listing has been removed from the site while MS manage. Using the search function members who wish to make further comments on the subject will find two additional discussions.

Thanks everyone.