Good to hear that you have a resolution of sorts - that is frustrating for you.
Thanks for the update Dennis-- sounds like you made the right decision. Just curious, was the owner a first-timer?
Interesting that you heard from the owner after you’d unconfirmed…still wonder what they were up to
Yes. Thinking about avoiding first timers in the future.
Does this happen a lot, new to this forum
@SMD, no, it’s relatively rare. Still sucks for the sitter, of course.
yes, me too, or at least trying to pay more attention to any red flags, etc.
Record “URGENT” in the subject line and the response time will be quicker. That was what I was told.
Back in March 2022 @Ben-ProductManager posted this update
Did it ever get implemented? We’ve never seen the HO’s address show up automatically, so we always have to ask. Seems like it’s even more needed now, rather than involving customer support a few days before the sit.
The owners address is part of the welcome guide, but some owners don’t do a welcome guide…
In our experience most hosts don’t fill out the welcome guide. Many tell us it doesn’t print out well so they prefer to create their own pdf document. We always ask for the address directly after confirming, or even before if we need to check out the location. We also always get the phone number immediately as we usually will set up a video or phone call to ‘meet’ before confirming. These are basic details that all members should exchange right away- for ongoing contact and for security.
Why does THS post things like this that are simply not true? It’s definitely not mandatory that homeowners provide the address once the sit it confirmed. I’ve had many times that I’ve had to send multiple messages asking for the address. I did one sit that I didn’t get the address until about a week before the sit started. I’ve decided for future sits I am going to request the address once they have confirmed me, but before I click accept.
Hi @systaran
To clarify slightly, the owner’s address is now mandatory when they complete the welcome guide. However, as @Chrissie & @Lokstar mention, not all owners fill in and share the welcome guide. The product team are aware of this gap and are working on ways to make this better, so it definitely is on their to do list.
Yes, so it’s not mandatory. They have to add it if they choose to use the welcome guide. Even those who use the welcome guide don’t necessarily share it right away. Sometimes they don’t provide it until right before the sit.
@Therese that’s not true. I just received a welcome guide for our next sit and the address in their Welcome Guide is only a postal code and city, not an exact location.
@botvot Thanks for this. I will ask the tech team. The only explanation I can think of, is if the welcome guide was done before the mandatory feature was implemented. So that would be owners before March 22. This is important as going forward, this needs to be addressed with existing owners, prior to March 22.
Their first review was in May 2022, if that helps?
Thanks @botvot Please can you send me a direct message with the owner’s url, so I can pass this on. Much appreciated.
Same here @botvot
@Therese We have a welcome guide for our next sit from someone who joined Autumn 22 and it also does not contain the full address - just a post code . ( we have the address from them from our WhatsApp conversations)
However just mentioning that even if you have been given the Welcome Guide it does not necessarily contain the full address .
Just wondering is the address section something that auto populates or the homeowner completes themselves ?
The home owner has to complete it, but I love the word ‘auto-populate’