Homeowner review if membership has expired

Hello @Cuttlefish Thank you for your question. I am happy to clarify that a bit further for you :slight_smile:

As the member’s membership won’t be able to expire during a sitting period due to the above feature (I can DM further clarification if that’s helpful) then the insurance and welcome guide will be applicable for the whole sit. The insurance available depends on the member’s membership level, but the member membership should not be able to expire mid-sit as it will be on auto-renewal.

@Silversitters Thank you for this as it is very helpful for @lifephasenext

It is a fairly new feature and it might be that the owner’s membership happened to expire the day after the sit when the review became available. I can’t really tell without seeing both member’s accounts and membership plans, so it would be a good idea for the members concerned to contact Membership Services who can look into this further.

As mentioned this is helpful feedback to pass on to the wider team for any members whose membership happens to expire just after the sit finishes - Thank you :smiling_face: