There is a posting in the west coast of the US seeking a house/pet swap in a specific area. I have never seen anyone trying to swap on THS before. It looks like only people with a house to offer in a specific area for specific dates would be welcomed to apply. I doubt that they will be successful in finding someone through this platform, but is swapping even allowed?
Hi @Southernsitter can you please pinpoint the listing (location and heading) and I will get Membership Services to look into it.
Thank you!
Have a great weekend … will you be Super “Bowling?”
I have seen this several times over the years. Usually with a houseswap you still need to find a place for your pets (which I have done before). I think it is a great idea, if you both have pets and can find some one that can make it work.
I personally don’t see any problem. Think of it as both of them are homeowners and they need someone to care for their pets. Both are homeowners and sitters. Again since I am a nomad I don’t have a home to swap, so this is a sit that does not work for me. All sits are not for everyone.
They changed the listing to no longer mention a “house swap”, so it is fine now. We will be watching the super bowl, but since the Saints lost in the play offs, we have less interest in the game.
That is good to know. I may want to try house swapping some time after Covid clears, but thought that I would have to do that through another platform.
Thank you … enjoy the game even though your team are out. It’s 6 Nations Rugby here in the UK …
I’m about to @Provence England & Scotland, who do I support? Enjoy your weekend too
Thinking about this more, overnight, there are many sites that offer house swaps, but the problem is it doesn’t cover the animals. But with that said I don’t think is appropriate on TH.
I would be except I support England, however the best team won @Provence
Hi @Southernsitter @worldtraveler and all members on this thread, it would be good to understand whether house swapping is something that is of interest? What are everybody’s thoughts on Trusted Housesitters making house swapping available i.e. a way to find a house swap opportunity?
How would you expect it to work?
- Direct simultaneous swap (you go to a member’s place, they come to yours at the same time)
- Direct non-simultaneous swap (you go a member’s place in June, they come to your place in December)
- Flexible swap without a direct match (you go to a member’s place while they are going to another member’s place)
- Leave pet(s) at home and swap homes
- Bring own pet(s) with you when swapping homes
Hi Ben, I believe that THS mission is not house swapping. If they do allow it, I think it should have its own section, they should not be mixed in with the typical sit listings - that could become very confusing and worse yet frustrating.
There are so many house swap websites I feel they do not need to include them on THS. My guess on how it would work, should be leave pets at home and swap homes - the easiest to make work.
Again I don’t believe House swapping is part of THS mission but if they did add them they should not be included with the standard housesits. That’s my two cents.
Thanks @Ben-ProductManager for asking.
Hi WorldTraveler, I agree that this is not the platform for house swapping. I join THS so I could take care of others pets while they were out of town. I do not own a home, so house swapping would not be applicable to me.
Hi @Ben-ProductManager - house swapping is a great concept and one that the THS product team could look into its feasibility. I agree with @worldtraveler it should be an offering away from THS platform.
Adding house swapping options might be a value for some of our members. I am a sitter who owns a home who does not have pets currently and does not use the homeowner services when I travel at this time. THS already has sections to “find a sitter” and “find a house sit”. It might be feasible to add a section to “find a house swap”. The postings for house swaps would be separate from the sitting posting. I have never swapped before, but may feel more comfortable trying swapping through a platform that I am already familiar with and would not have to get yet another membership to use. For those who don’t want to swap or don’t have houses, they would just ignore that section of the platform. Just because some members would or could not use this service, does not mean that it should not be explored to help THS remain a profitable company and continue to exist. Companies evolve. Amazon started off as on online bookseller.
Another one has popped up
Listing has been amended @TheMapleKiwi there is no mention of swapping on the listing. Thank you for the heads up.
I noticed another one listed today
I think that this person is just kidding about swapping with someone who has a “pet-free cottage by the sea.” That said, their listing will confuse many people.
Thanks for flagging @TheMapleKiwi I’ve passed to Membership Services and yes @Southernsitter it is a little confusing …
Thank you both
This sit popped up today & owner mentions a house swap. (Helps if I paste the link )