How do I cancel or back-out of a sit after I have agreed?

Unfortunately, I had to cancel a housesit that I was very much looking forward to. The hosts have asked me to cancel the sit on my side but I can not figure out how to do that. Please help.

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Only the home owners can cancel a sit.

Share this link with them.


Thank you so much! You’re the best! :hibiscus:

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Happy to help. If you go to the main THS page and click on “help”, you can search for info on just about any topic. :slight_smile:

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Hello @SunshineAndAloha and thank you @Kelownagurl for providing the answer and information. I’m also going to tag @Lucy-B just in case you or the homeowner still need any help, and to see if the owner needs assistance getting a replacement sitter. All the best, Vanessa

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