We’re going away for 2 weeks and have received two really great sit applications. But can’t pick!!
Any advice on how others differentiate and select?
Usually after we meet with some, it’s very obvious but really tough with this one!
We’re going away for 2 weeks and have received two really great sit applications. But can’t pick!!
Any advice on how others differentiate and select?
Usually after we meet with some, it’s very obvious but really tough with this one!
Then it does not really matter, does it?
Accept one of them before they are both gone!
It sounds as if you are in a fortunate win-win situation so if I were you I would Toss a coin
Go with the first to apply
@ppawrents - What a great predicament to be in.
You could book another holiday and offer the additional dates to the person who applied second .
Haha I know I’m lucky!!
I always feel bad rejecting people!!
We did end up tossing a coin haha
Waiting for them to confirm.
Thanks all!
Just for next time, as you seem to be sorted now, but I would say their particular reasons for being in your area could have swayed it with you having two great sitters to pick from.
For example are they just using your town as a one-off sight seeing trip and you’re never ever going to see them again, or do they have family close by where they will be returning and you could have potentially utilised them again, or perhaps they know the area really well and return there often.
But always go with your heart & gut, over and above all else.
Our process is to evaluate applications in the order they come in. If we have more than one we send a quick message to everyone to say we are evaluating and ask for availability for a video call at the same time. We chat with the first suitable sitters in order and if we are satisfied we choose them and advise the others that our choice is made. If not we go to the next one.
I think that’s fairest tbh
I evaluate in the order of application. First to go are youngsters seeking cheap accommodation. I prefer older people - singles or couples, and those that are retired or working from home so they will be present in the house. It’s incredibly hard to turn down excellent candidates, but I always make note of those who accept the decline with a positive comment so I can consider them for future sits.
I would make a list of pros and cons, e.g. who is more likely to reapply when I advertise new dates? Which one has more experience or reviews? Which one communicates better?
Honestly their reveiws were just as good as each other and their communication on text and video both good!
We decided to go with the slight older couple as it would give them an opportunity to spend Chinese new year with their son here since he couldn’t go home.
In fact we are heading overseas for that same reason!
Unfortunately there were some last minute changes to the date due to work and they have rescheduled their flights and still ok!
So count myself lucky