How do owners choose sitters directly

We are brand new sitters. I have been applying for advertised sits. We have been rejected by a few but also lucky enough to be accepted for a few.
However, today we have had an owner directly contact us via trusted housesitters asking if we can sit for them. Why us? Why they would ask us, with no reviews over the thousands of other more experienced sitters.? The sit was not local to us…how would we be on their radar?
Do THS make sitter suggestions? Is there a filter system?
How does it work - We are delighted it’s going so well and extremely flattered but totally mystified by an owner asking us without advertising the sit generally!


Hi Colin, welcome to the Forum and to TrustedHousesitters we are glad you joined in the conversation and our amazing housesitting lifestyle … we hope you have a great journey and can’t wait to share in your stories.

The Forum is an excellent place for you to find support and advice from members and our TrustedHousesitters Team, I’m going to move your post into the help section and a member of our Membership Services team will connect and explain exactly how the direct invitations work and any other questions you have please feel free to post.

Enjoy the conversations and connecting with members from around the world.

Angela and the Team

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A post was split to a new topic: Owner’s Direct Pet Sitting Invitations