Hello, good afternoon! My name is Hipolito, I’m from Argentina!
I’ve known the community for a long time, but recently I decided that I want to travel around the world doing housesitting, and now is where all the doubts begin haha.
Since I live in Argentina, and here the offer is not very wide, my idea is to travel to the United States (where I already worked some winter seasons) and to be able to do housesitting there!
But my question is, how much time in advance does a HO confirm with a sitter? I understand that each case is specific, but for those who do housesitting from abroad, what do you think? Is it feasible to get some bookings with at least 1 month in advance?
On the other hand, how possible do you think it is to be a FULL TIME housesitter, touring the United States? I could see sitting for 2 months or more, which makes me think that it is something totally possible, but as I haven’t paid the subscription yet I can’t see if for those sittings, there are so many people applying and it is very difficult to be chosen.
Thank you all very much for reading!