Hello @sassafrass8701 and a warm welcome to the community from us all on the forum team. I imagine you are really excited to start applying for sits, but yes, there can be a small lag between signing up and getting started. Once you’ve made your membership choice and payment, you’ll be guided through the ID verification process which for the majority happens with a very quick turnaround.
You’ll also need to spend some time gathering some photos, creating your profile and thinking about an application message.
Trusted tips : adding references to your profile can increase your chance of securing a house sit by 20%! You can ask anyone who knows you well for a character reference, such as a colleague or a landlord, but we recommended getting a pet or home sitting reference where possible. Accepting short or weekend sits locally can be another great way to get some pet sit reviews on your profile. Reviews and references really do help to build trust between owners and sitters!
I’ve added some of our instructional blog posts here that will help, but if you have any other questions don’t hesitate to reach out to the community. It’s full of helpful members who really do enjoy helping new members find their way.
Our membership support department are also on hand to help with any more specific membership queries, payment, ID checks etc., and they can be best reached by email at support@trustedhousesitters.com
I hope that helps get you started but we are all here to help you on your new house sitter journey if you need anything else!
And I have to ask, where are you hoping to find your first house sit?
All the best, Vanessa and the forum team!