NEW sitters

Morning sitters. Im new here ok can someone here provide any tips on sitting in a house for the first time please? Also how long generally does it take to be chosen at the outset say ? Ok happy Wednesday tc


You will find lots of information for new sitters on the forum - just use the spyglass at the top of the page.
How long it takes to get started will depend on your circumstances, availability, experience and where you want to go.


How long it takes completely depends on your background, and which location you want to sit in. But we have had our own pets in the past, and we have a property background, so we got sits straight away. If you are looking to sit in the main tourist destinations then you will have more competition.


You probably should apply for several sits in parallel, because the success rate of applications for new members is much lower.

After your first review, that should become much better.

So to get the first one, apply to listings where there is not much competition. My first one was with Christmas. Other possibilities are short sits nearby (or anywhere, but then it is not worth the travel), last-minute sits, etc. You may want to avoid difficult sits, like pets with issues, veterinary problems, hard-to-please owners, etc.


I signed up and was verified just yesterday- it took probably 2 hours in all writing and rewriting my profile uploading photos getting references sorted ID verification etc. The same evening after reading all the advice I received on my post here in the Forum (thank you everyone :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:) and reading lots of other posts ……I applied for two local sits. I chose to apply initially for sits near to where I live and for just 2 nights each with dogs/cats. One HO has confirmed immediately and we’re meeting up on the beach here tomorrow so I can meet the dogs. The other sit is pending us meeting for a coffee Saturday.


Welcome @Sharonshepherd1 when we started with TrustedHouseSitters we already had house sitting experience as we had house sat for friends and they provided references .

I recommend that you start that way if you can.

There is a tag on house sits that have a low applications. If you apply for one of these you will have more chance of being chosen . Take a look and see if there is one in a location that you would like to visit .

Applying for a last minute sit is another good way to get started - again these are tagged so if you can make yourself available to do one of these you stand a good chance of being accepted.

As @BonnyinBrighton has suggested you could also start with a sit that is local to you to get a review . Once you have a couple of reviews from your sits it becomes easier to get accepted for sits and you will also get invitations from Homeowners who notice your profile and reviews.

@pietkuip’s advice to apply for more than one sit at a time is something I also recommend when you are starting out . When you are confirmed for a sit - remember to withdraw your other applications that are for the same dates .

My advice to a newbie is take time to choose the sits that you apply for carefully - read the responsibilities section - ( are they overly demanding or lacking in detail? ) look at the photos of the home - read the reviews from previous sitters to see if there were any problems . If it’s a local sit and the homeowner is also new to THS you could offer to met at their house ( so you can meet the pets and see what the house and homeowners are like ( clean & welcoming or dirty & demanding )

Don’t accept a sit until you have been able to talk to the homeowner first ( either by messaging / phone or video call ) then you can ask questions such as what arrangements have they made to pay for any emergency vet fees during the stay? -At what time do they want you to arrive and leave ?- etc

Exchange mobile phone numbers with the homeowner you need an alternative way to contact them other than the THS.

Always have a backup plan - homeowners may have to cancel or curtail their trip if there is an emergency so it’s sensible to have a back up plan in mind of where you would stay if this happened. This doesn’t happen often but has happened to us twice.

Everyone has to start out with no reviews . There are some members who have done over 100 sits with THS.

All the best on getting your first sit and please report back to the forum on your house sitting adventures .


Excellent thanks so much great forum i get it now tc

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Awh i see of course i guess everyone has questions at the start too tc

Thanks so much take care

Morning silver sitters and also what about personal security please? Is it safe being in a house not being your please? Ok tc

If the homeowner is also a single female living alone in the property then that’s a guide that they feel safe living there alone .

You may find this thread reassuring and inspiring

Welcome @Sharonshepherd1
When I started on THS nearly 2 years ago I applied for 23 sits before I got accepted. However I was applying for very popular locations. As a new sitter without any reviews you are unlikely to get these popular sits out the gate until you have some hopefully 5 star reviews under your belt. My first accepted sit was within 20 miles of my home base. I was very grateful of the opportunity. I did a number of reasonably local sits after this before I got my first international sit confirmed. 20 sits later, I say start local and with last minute sits.
Good luck.


Welcome @Sharonshepherd1 here is a good read for new members as well.

Excellent thanks