How long is from HO to reply from your application

I am a newbie and applied for several sits had a couple of rejections, but got several absolutely no response and wondered if this is normal or should I just withdraw application and go for something else ?

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Welcome to forum @Koolcat79 !

Terms of THS says that one should answer a fellow member within 72 hours. There are many great and hospitable hosts that answer in a timely manner. Unfortunately many hosts use a lot of time or never answers at all. Maybe they didn’t understand the concept or found someone off platform - many reasons. Many sitters see it as part of their vetting process where a host that doesn’t answer timely is someone they don’t want to sit for, as it shows a lack of consideration for the sitter.

My sits usually started out with hosts that reached out within 24-48 hours - often with both videocall and confirmation within that timeframe. I’ve had lots of applications that take longer than that. They usually end up in nothing. Either a decline or just - crickets. So apply carefully and select sits that seems hospitable and considerate to the sitter side of the exchange. Many great hosts - try to find those.


Hi @Koolcat79 and welcome to the forum. The issue you have raised is one of the most common ones on the forum. If you use the spyglass in top right corner you will be able to access many threads on this topic! Just keep applying, even if dates conflict as this is normal practice by sitters. Have you followed the THS blogs to construct a great profile of yourself with photos of you interacting with pets and included several references by ones who you may have cared for their pets privately, or people who know you well who can say how well you look after a home and pets? It takes time and patience before you usually get accepted for your first sit. Good luck as it’s worth it!


@Koolcat79 Welcome. to the forum.
I have had a few non responses even after sitting since 2017.
I tend to shrug my shoulders and if it is less than a couple of months away I withdraw my application usually with a wee polite message
Just look for other sits is my recommendation unless it is somehwere you really want to go.
All the best .


Yes, there are hosts who normally are slow to reply, for whatever reasons.

What you “should” do is up to you. Personally, I withdraw within 48 hours if a host doesn’t reply to schedule a video chat. I figure it’s a mismatch otherwise — I don’t care to sit for hosts who aren’t prompt communicators. A number of sitters have said they similarly withdraw.

With hosts who are prompt communicators, I’ve found that they also tend to be prompt with welcome guides, reviews and other communications. I value those types of hosts and find enough of them to not bother with the others.


Nine days at the moment ……
I’m hanging on as it’s an ideal sit to visit a city I’ve always wanted to see.


When I first joined, I applied to a sit and it went unread for a month. They finally looked at my application and then confirmed me after a phone call. I needed reviews back then so we took the sit but that one is on my list to never resist. Now that we’ve been doing this a couple years, I only deal with hosts who are prompt. You can apply for as many listings as you want and when you get one confirmed, you can withdraw on all the ones with conflicting dates


Welcome @Koolcat79 keep looking for something else in the meantime - you can apply to as many sits as you want - THS suggests this strategy-

I decided (after hearing responses from fellow sitters ) to withdraw as I had several 8&9 days so thought I’ll start again. …Then low and behold one lovely lady I’d withdrawn from , messaged me to apologise as she’d been ill ,but thought I’d be a good match! So looks like If it’s going to end well. I’m thinking next time if time drags on might just send them a little note to just say it’s ok to say no :hugs:


A number of times when I’ve withdrawn, I’ve immediately heard from the host. Some other sitters have mentioned that as well. Personally, I don’t want to partner with such hosts by then, because they weren’t prompt communicators to begin with. To me, that doesn’t bode well. By then, I’ve moved on. YMMV.

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Learnt a new acronym today @Maggie8K (had to Google it) and made me chuckle :face_with_hand_over_mouth: . Thank you #ymmv

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