How long should an applicant wait for a reply from HO

Hi everyone, I applied to a housesit three days ago and have not heard anything at all from the HO. The housesit would be coming soon in November. Should I withdraw my application and look for something else?

There are TONS of threads on this topic if you do some searching. Some people just leave them open, some withdraw after 48 hours. Almost all sitters apply to multiple sits at one time, not just one at a time. In this case I personally would just leave it, but I’d be applying to a bunch of other sits that meet my requirements as well. eggs in baskets and all that.

I’m not sure how many reviews you have as yet, so I am going to presume you are new. So DON’T withdraw your application. Just simply apply for other sits at the same time, and see who gets back to you first.

If you are new or don’t have many reviews, it could be that you don’t perfectly suit them but they still like you, because they haven’t rejected you as yet.

However, if you already have quite a number of reviews, then that’s totally different, move on to someone who actions things faster.

Thank you for your swift reply. Yes, I am new to the forum, but have done several 5 star housesits, all of whom replied very quickly so was surprised to hear nothing at all. Will move on now.

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Welcome @Paco
Unfortunately some HO’s never respond! They find alternative sitting arrangements or cancel their holiday but forget to update applicants or their listing.
As stated my view is to keep applying for all sits that interest you. I accept the first sit offered that fits my criteria and send a message to any other open applications saying I’ve accepted another sit.

The THS terms say that a member should answer within 72 hours. Could be useful to know.

Some members are stricter - if they don’t hear back within 48 hours they withdraw - others just leave it and apply for other sits and see what happens. Find out what works best for you.

I withdraw within 48 hours if I don’t hear anything from the host. The sits I get there is usually communication within 24 hours and usually the sit is agreed and confirmed within 48-72 hours.

Up to each sitter how long they wait.

I withdraw within 48 hours unless the host replies to schedule a video call. Works for me. YMMV.

Hi @Paco

No, don’t withdraw your application

Yes, keep applying for other sits.

I usually wait about 72 hours and withdraw. Just recently I applied on a sit and left it for a week. I emailed the homeowners and asked if they were moving forward with another applicant. My email was immediately “read” with no reply so I withdrew. The following week they relisted and once again are in the “reviewing” mode for a sit that starts in 3 days! I find this very inconsiderate.

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Thank you everyone for your helpful advice, much appreciated. I have withdrawn my application and am looking for another sit. Fingers crossed!