Review time for sitting applications

I am brand new to THS. Is it common for a stay to be posted, you submit an application, and the message goes unread for days? For others, your message is read, there are multiple applications, and no response; not a decline; no communication.

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The terms of THS says that a member should answer within 72 hours. Some of us are firmer and withdraw our application if we hear nothing within 48 hours. Others let it hanging and just keep applying for multiple sits.

Your situation is not uncommon. You decide what is best for you.

For me, I’ve found that the sits I get usually are the result of hosts reaching out promptly - often a videocall and an invitation to sit within 48 hours. If it takes ages it has usually not ended in a sit. My $ 0.02.


Thank you. Communication is important to me, and I will likely use a 48-hour rule for my applications. I joined nine days ago and withdrew two applications after no response but sent a kind note first.


Welcome @annmarierichardson

I personally consider this forum a wealth of very useful and interesting information based on members’ exchanges. And a few laughs here and there. :grin:
Your question has been discussed many times here. I encourage you to use the spyglass function to search for answers to questions you may have… and to many more you did not even know you had :wink:


Thank you very much! I am familiarizing myself with this forum as well and looking forward to learning and sharing more.

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Yes that is normal when you are new. You need some reviews under your belt, so don’t be too fast to withdraw until you have at least 3 reviews. To increase your chances focus on local sits, or last minute sits as they are most likely to accept you when you have no reviews, then you can be more selective after that. It doesn’t take long, you can do 3 x 2 night sits within a week or two, and then you’re off and running.


Does the host have reviews from previous sitters? If not, they might be new and don’t realise that they need to respond promptly if they want to secure a sitter. When I joined, I was taken aback at how quickly the applications arrived. I posted 6 months in advance of our trip because I thought it would take months to find someone. Now I make sure to only list dates when I know I have enough free time in the following couple of days to respond and schedule video chats.


Thank you. I am applying for local sits in locations with animals I would love. Win-win and I am looking forward to this adventure. I just secured my first sit with a wonderful call last night.


I think you are correct. One application I am waiting for has many wonderful reviews, but they are a busy young family, and I will give it some time. The sit is only weeks away, and the HO realizes we all need to plan.

Congratulations on securing your first sit @annmarierichardson !


That’s fantastic news @annmarierichardson

Congratulations on securing your first sit and here’s to many more. :clap:t2::slightly_smiling_face:

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I sent a short message in a follow-up to my application—the date is two weeks away, and still no response. The listing states applications are being reviewed. Communication is important to me as a professional, and I’m now inclined to withdraw my application. As a brand new member to THS, it was suggested I wait.

Given how close the sit is, it’s inconsiderate to not have replied. And I’d suggest that you withdraw. Just because you’re new doesn’t mean you have to accept poor behavior from hosts.


Thank you for the support.

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If the reviewing-button is still on it seems you do not have a confirmed sit, officially. So you are free to do what you want - apply for other sits, withdraw your application and should they reach out again - say yes or no as you please.

People view it differently, and others have more grace than me, but I would regard it a lack of consideration for me and my time, as you have even reached out again. As you’ve had a chat - have you contacted them off plattform? As some hosts are not much on THS.

But should you choose to go through with it later, be sure to have the host officially send you a sit-invitation that you can accept.

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Thank you. They’ve ignored my messages, with no opportunity chat offline. I agree it is inconsiderate, and will withdraw my application today. I won’t bother to send another message, however. I appreciate your feedback.

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