How to plan for driving to sits in Winter?

Hello All!
We’ve been on TH since May 2023 and have had all wonderful sits so far, thankfully.

As we gear up to schedule sits into the Winter Months (we are based in New Jersey, East Coast, USA), I have a few wonders for the community:

-For HO’s who do travel in winter and have had sitters driving to you in places that may have snow storms - What if the sitter cannot make it to your place at the arranged time/date, due to inclement/dangerous weather? (I gather it’s likely your flights might also be delayed, but still wondering how HO’s plan for this or what type of flexibility is set up (like maybe having a neighbor back up nearby who can stand in for example until the sitter arrives?)

-Sitters: Have you ever had your travel to a sit delayed due to bad weather and how did it turn out? Had the HOs already departed and you just arrived later than expected?

I’m contemplating applying for a sit 4 hours north of us in CT in January. It’s a lovely home along the shore, 2 cats (we mostly do cat-only sits) and it’s right for the dates I desire - my only niggle is the weather and what happens if there’s a storm somewhere en route and I cannot make it on time?

Any seasoned (no pun intended :wink: ) experience shared would be so helpful, thanks!

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I was delayed by winter weather last December. I was to arrive to Toronto December 24 to do a repeat sit for 2 cats. I live about 180km away. The coming storm was well anticipated. Good communication with HOs so they had neighbour backup. My bus was cancelled so I was able to get on the first train Christmas Day. Got there by mid morning.


@KellySue_Nate I’m a sitter who would travel in the opposite direction to you. In winter months I’m travelling from Niagara Falls, Canada, usually going south. I don’t drive to this type of sit. I usually fly out of Buffalo, New York. I have to contend with the (sometimes unpredictable) international bridge traffic, as well as flights.

I’m on a (repeat) sit now and the homeowners asked me to arrive a day earlier than I’d planned. Even though I know their home and pet, they wanted to be sure I’d most likely be there in time for what is a major vacation for them. That’s an option.

Personally, I’d avoid travelling north in winter from your location, for the reasons you mentioned. I’d save that for one of the other seasons.

Always make sure your owners have a backup plan. It’s their responsibility as life happens. I always use the example of ‘What if I have a heart attack?’, either just before the sit or on the sit (thankfully, it hasn’t happened). They then realize that the stock answer of there isn’t anyone else just won’t cut it.