Inappropriate Applicants

I’m a single, older lady in a 55+ community. My listing clearly requests a “mature female” for my cat sit. It also says that I have a twin-sized bed that is not appropriate for couples.

There is this young man who keeps applying every time I post a listing. And every time I reject him, I thank him for applying and say that this listing is for a mature female. This has been going on for over a year.
Is there a way to block him?

I also get a lot of young gals and couples applying. It’s getting frustrating, especially when I reach the 5 applicants limit before I’ve had a chance to reject the obviously unqualified ones.

Thanks for letting me vent.

How annoying for you @KallyMayzy. Contact THS at to advise them of the problem you are having with this young male sitter.
I would put “mature female sitter only” in your heading and no need to mention Tampa as sitters can already read your location.


“Mature” doesn’t mean 55+. If you need 55+ you need to say as your first sentence:

This sit is only available to solo women 55+ due to the layout of my home and the rules of my community. Any other applicant type will be declined.

As for the guy who won’t leave you alone, I’d try reporting him to Member Services but I expect that it’s probably a bot so it won’t make a difference.


Mature could be read as a mindset or attitude too @KallyMayzy so if it’s an age range that you’re after then @temba has it nailed! Pop it in the title. “Looking for solo, female cat sitter, age 55+” and then there’s no room for manoeuvre. Def report the annoying guy and hopefully MS can message him to say stop :stop_sign: #thatshouldfixit


It must be really annoying to keep getting applications you have to decline because they don’t fulfill your requirements. I am sorry they are wasting your time.

Others have already given you great advice.

If I were you, I wouldn’t be so polite in this case. Why thank him when he is really bothering you? I would start by asking him straight away to stop applying. Then just declining with no message at all. As this has been going on for quite a while, it may be worth reporting.

I completely agree THS should have the option of blocking other users. It seems quite a basic feature and I don’t know why they don’t implement it. It wouldn’t hurt anyone (or business) and it would be really useful for some people getting lots of unsolicited messages or even being close to harassment.


Thank you all for your input and responses.
In the first paragraph of my listing, right after ‘mature female’, I’ve inserted (female only please). This should reduce most couples and men from applying. If they ignore that, then they get rejected.

I agree with @Newpetlover. I won’t thank him with my stock response and just reject him.

I agree with some others it would be best to mention 55+ in the heading if that’s the age range needed in your community. Plenty of twenty-somethings think they are ‘mature’!!


You need to specify the age too. Mature does NOT mean 55+ so you really need to specify that. I see you’ve mentioned that it’s a 55+ property but people may not realize that applies to everyone staying, not just owners/full time residents. Be clear if you want to avoid inappropriate applicants.


Agreed. And many 55+ communities allow younger guests, so if a specific host’s doesn’t, they shouldn’t expect sitters to guess correctly.