Is allowing my car a good thing

“A good thing”? That tough to answer.

When we were just starting out and had difficulty getting a sitter in PNW, we added “car available” to our listing and we got one of our all time favorite sitters who was traveling from Australia.

Fast forward a couple years and many excellent sitters later and no issues with the few sitters who used our car … until a recent sitter (also from Australia) used our car and while driving, a rock cracked the windshield for a cost of $500. We were selling the car, so we had it repaired upon return and sold the car.

She was very responsible in handling things and the rock wasn’t her fault, but it made us reconsider.

What if it had been more extensive damage? Who is responsible for repair costs? What about the deductible? How will we feel if we report it and ourinsurance rate increases? And how do we feel loaning our (now)new car?

I think we’ve decided that the only time we’ll accept a sitter who needs our car is if we’re having trouble attracting a sitter and the only sitters who apply need our car. Even then, we’ll prob limit it to strictly necessary usage (grocery shopping, emergency vet trip, etc), as opposed to our only previous restriction of taking walk-on ferry instead of driving to explore a major metropolitan area “near-by”.

So in summary, I’d say it’s best not to allow sitters use of your car unless: you can’t attract great car-less sitters, you don’t mind covering potential financial repercussions of an accident, or if they can get their own insurance to cover your car. (For umwhat I was able to determine, short-term renter insurance would only be possible if they didn’t have coverage on their own vehicle somewhere else.)

I’ve used an owners car a few times. It was very helpful to have.

I provided my drivers license and they added me as a temporary driver to their policy. We had an agreement that in the event of an accident which was my fault, I would cover the deductible. If an accident happened and the other driver was at fault, the deductible and repairs are usually covered by the at fault driver’s insurance. Glass coverage did not require a deductible to be paid because their policy did not require a deducible for coverage.

I took pictures of both the inside and outside of the vehicle before I drove it. I took very good care of it, drove carefully as I always do, thoroughly cleaned it and filled the tank with gas when I used it for the last time. I also took a final set of pictures before I departed.

I’m sure there’s many who know more than I do about how insurance rates are adjusted there, but in many places, it’s based on where you live, what type of car you have and the year, who the drivers are and their driving record. You can always inquire with your insurer if you add a temporary driver in the future so you can make a decision based on accurate information and you don’t have to wonder.

The vehicle was great to have and I appreciated being able to use it. Having an agreement gave us both peace of mind knowing what the expectations were between parties in the event of an unlikely occurrence.

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It certainly is nice to have a car if your home is not close to a grocery store or restaurants. Even a bike is really nice to leave for folks. I have used bikes before and happy about that as I love to bike. Talk to your insurance if you do.

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It’s certainly a brave thing, not something i would ever do though.
Good luck and hope you enjoy the wedding

I search for sits with cars first. I always leave their cars cleaner than I found them and a full tank of fuel. One sit offered a car in the application but at the time of the actual sit, they didn’t let me use it. It was only a 10 day sit with everything at walking distance so I didn’t mind so much, had that not been the case I would have insisted on what was advertised. Some people have paperwork for me to sign and once while in Ireland, I was asked to pay the insurance coverage for the 6 weeks I was there, which I did’nt mind doing. Using peoples vehicles has made my stays and travelling such a wonderful adventure. Once I applied for a sit without the car included and I asked them if they would and they said yes.

I’ve had housesitters at my home in the past (using a different site) use my own car too while I am away. My insurance covers an extra driver.

Allowing cars to be a part of the sit opens up many more potential sitters IMO.

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I’m currently on a sit with use of a car, a golf cart and a bicycle. The car wasn’t listed, but my hosts offered it to me when we chatted.

Personally, I expect to pay for any deductible if I’m responsible for an accident or damage. If it’s a few thousand dollars total, I’d offer to pay, to save my hosts higher insurance prices if I were responsible. That’s something you might want to discuss if you’re the host.

I’ve been offered cars in the U.S. and U.K. and have taken up only the U.S. ones. In the U.K., all my sits have been within easy walking distance of food and such, so I didn’t need to drive. Plus, I don’t want to drive someone else’s car on the other side of the road for the first time.

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This might sound dumb four years in, but how do I add that a car is available in my listing? I have in the home description that a car can be available. At some point I know I clicked “car is needed” because a car is needed here, but so much has changed and now I can’t find that. Anyway, it feels disingenuous to say a car isn’t needed and give the impression we’re within walking distance to things or there is public transport available (it’s not). Our last two sitters used our car and it worked out well so I don’t mind, just not sure how/where to do it.