I’ve only had one applicant and have now scanned the profile of sitters and sent 2 requests. Is this the best way to try to secure a sitter? Thanks
Hi there,
There are many, many discussions on the forum that already answer your question. You can find them via the search bar in the forum, but here are some good ones:
What’s up with all the invites?
To summarise & reiterate these discussions, no, sending invites is not the best way to secure a sitter and rarely works out. Instead, having a stand-out listing that is reflective of a fair & mutually beneficial exchange and has much to offer a sitter is key. Here is a blog to help ensure your listing gains applicants.
Hope that helps!
You can also add your listing in your forum bio so members can view it and give helpful feedback. Here’s how:
Not on THS where sitters are mostly doing this for travel. But it is how it works on sites where the sitter is doing this primarily to get paid.
Hello to you, welcome to the forum and THS. All the links Nagy has popped up are good to read. I do dog sits primarily to be with dogs and walk in other areas, with cats it is to visit another area to look around etc. I have been invited to loads of pet sits but I’ve never accepted any as of yet due to the dates not working.
One applicant is good though in my opinion, have a chat with them and take it from there.
Is the applicant suitable? If so, set up a video chat and confirm them if you like them. Sending invites rarely works because the calendar is terrible and you never really know where the sitter is or will want to be during your dates. I often have just one or two applicants and usually accept the first if we’re a good fit. I don’t even wait for alternatives unless we really don’t click with the first applicant. FYI Most sitters apply for multiple sits at any given time so you always run the risk of losing the one you have, and some sitters withdraw their applications if they don’t hear back within a few days. Not to pressure you, just so you know how things work around here
If by acceptable do you mean: practical? functional? a method that will work? the answer is no. The analogy is: needle in a haystack. The odds that the sitters you reach out to will be available/interested in your particular location on your particular dates is extremely low.
The best way is to have confimed dates, and post those dates. Sitters looking for those dates and your location will find and apply for the sit. Problem solved.
You might find reaching out to local sitters works, especially if they are new to THS and looking to get their reviews. This worked well for me last year.
I feel you can certainly try. I’ve taken 3 sits I’ve been invited to. I would have taken/accepted more invites if I were retired!!! Soon!
It certainly won’t do any harm to try.
Good luck in securing a sit, hope you get sorted
Yes, you can secure sitters by sending out invites. I have accepted some this way. If it is in a nice location and looks interesting and I am available I may accept.
I do turn down more than I accept from invites but have definitely accepted a few.
@Diane-mumofMarlie I’ve only been a HO with THS since March 2024. When I send invites to sitters, I begin with sitters that have add my listing to their favorites. I viewed their profile, and reviews then checked their availability. I’ve gotten more than one sitter from inviting them with a nice message.
I do receive a ton of no’s (mostly due to scheduling conflicts) but when your applications are low, in my opinion, a little effort to find a sitter goes a long way.
Sidenote: I’ve learned so much from this forum. As a new HO, I used suggestions from the forum to make sure my listing was attractive to sitters by using the right wording and photos. Also, I attached my listing to my profile here in the forum. This allows sitters to see your listing and give you feedback.
Best of luck!