Jenny's Upcoming Annual Leave... :-)

Hello everyone!

Just wanted to let you all know that I’ll be away from 5pm (BST) on 31st May until 9am on 10th June, then I’ll be away again from 5pm (BST) on 13th June until 9am on 20th June.

Our wonderful Therese will be holding the fort on weekday mornings while I’m away, and Carla will be working her usual hours, and of course not forgetting our lovely Maeve and Sam who look after things at weekends.

I’m not headed away anywhere specific, but wanted to take some time off to do a little bit of decorating and spend a bit of time with my parents. My Dad was recently diagnosed with cancer (thankfully with a very good prognosis) so it’s made me keen to pause for a bit and appreciate my family and friends by spending some time with them!

I’m hoping for a few day trips to places like Edinburgh, maybe Glasgow, but I’ll see what happens at the time! So far all I’ve committed to is kayaking on a local loch - weather permitting as it has been very rainy. The photo I’ve posted above is St Mary’s Loch which is one of the choices for kayaking just a few miles down the road.

One thing I do want to do is paint either my bathroom or bedroom - any DIY painting tips are very much appreciated. :joy:

I’ll miss reading everyone’s latest news while I’m away but looking forward to relaxing for a while.

Take care, everyone!

Jenny :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Enjoy your break Jenny.
All the best for your dad!


Enjoy your time away Jenny and best wishes for your father’s recovery. :pray:


Have a lovely break!


Thanks everyone :heart:

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