Listings slipping through the Net

Is it maybe the upside down house in Brighton….:joy:


Well be there in July. I will definitely go for a look at that one!

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Or this, in Tennessee, in the southern U.S.?


Um… I have SO many questions… :joy::joy::woman_shrugging:t3:

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@Nagy26 i have just one: WHY?

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Oh no! Just found another one!
:wink: PS. This is in Tasmazia - a maze park and looney tune town in Tasmania, great fun.


Another new listing that has slipped through the net !
:snake: :snake: :snake: :snake:
Two royal pythons, two boa constrictors and a tarantula. Don’t know if tarantulas are permitted but I do know that pythons and all constrictors are not .


Please say you’ve reported it? :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth:

How do these listings get posted? Are there no safeguards?


Yes I reported it and asked how it “slipped through” :snake::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: ?
This Listing has been taken down .

However the listing that I reported with the son living at home who would only be there in the evenings/ overnight and popping in for lunch , remains on the site !!! :woman_shrugging:t2:


I wonder if that’s the same one I reported? Or, are there two of them?!

You would think simple trigger words could be set up to stop that happening


Is the one you saw also coming back for lunch everyday ? If so chances are that it’s the same one .

We definitely need a wall of shame. I heard of an unofficial FB group?

@Silversitters Yes, it sounds like the same one (surely there cannot be another with these same conditions?)!

@Silversitters Yes, Ive just checked and it’s still listed, resident son and all…

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Come on, Trusted Housesitters! Third parties are not permitted. Please remove such listings from the entire platform!



Are there random audits done on listings i.e. , the staff at THS just go in randomly and check a few, basically acting the same way as sitters do?
The sitters are finding these listings by this method so I’m sure THS would pick up on a few also.

Do you think its a thing to be looked into?

It strikes me when you see these types of listings that people haven’t read or understood properly how THS works. I know there have been previous comments about the way THS has been marketed more recently & wonder if this is symptomatic of those advertising campaigns. THS needs to be very careful to maintain the mutual benefit messaging. Otherwise it risks alienating sitters and creating unhappy HO who feel their expectations haven’t been met.


Seen today - both are New listings

One has no photos of the home at all - not outside or inside - none at all - only the pets .

Another listing has all photos sideways .

If all New listings have to be pre- approved by THS how do listings like these continue to “slip through “ ?


Hi @Silversitters

I’m going to pass this over to the team as feedback. Is there any chance you wouldn’t mind sharing links to the listings with me via DM so that I can evidence what you’re seeing please?