Meet-Up - Nov 3 - 14 Vancouver B.C

Nov 3 - 14 Vancouver B.C. Canada

Pet Owners, Pet Sitters
If anyone would like to meet during these dates, post your availability. I’ll set something up.
Ann Marie

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Are you doing a sit in Vancouver? If so, what area? I live in a suburb of Vancouver but may actually be doing a sit in the downtown core next month.

Yes, I will be sitting in Olympic Village area.


I may be sitting in the Coal Harbour area but nevertheless, Olympic Village is easily accessible by the skytrain as I live in New Westminster. I’ll send you a pm next week. Lots of nearby places for a meetup in Olympic Village.

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Hello @ExploreDreamDiscover

I’m just boosting this thread incase there are any other members that will be in Vancouver, B.C. from November 3rd until the 14th that would like to join in. :slightly_smiling_face:


Thanks Sam - Ann Marie and I had a lovely meet up and afternoon. We are both doing sits in the downtown core, although I’m a local who lives in a suburb of Vancouver. We had an outing on the seabus to North Vancouver and had lots of great chat! It was terrific to meet up with a fellow sitter and exchange sit and travel stories!


@Globetrotter It was nice to visit with a local! Great opportunity to make a new THS friend . It’s my first time in Vancouver and I am really enjoying the city.