Nov 3 - 14 Vancouver B.C. Canada
Pet Owners, Pet Sitters
If anyone would like to meet during these dates, post your availability. I’ll set something up.
Ann Marie
Nov 3 - 14 Vancouver B.C. Canada
Pet Owners, Pet Sitters
If anyone would like to meet during these dates, post your availability. I’ll set something up.
Ann Marie
Are you doing a sit in Vancouver? If so, what area? I live in a suburb of Vancouver but may actually be doing a sit in the downtown core next month.
Yes, I will be sitting in Olympic Village area.
I may be sitting in the Coal Harbour area but nevertheless, Olympic Village is easily accessible by the skytrain as I live in New Westminster. I’ll send you a pm next week. Lots of nearby places for a meetup in Olympic Village.
Hello @ExploreDreamDiscover
I’m just boosting this thread incase there are any other members that will be in Vancouver, B.C. from November 3rd until the 14th that would like to join in.
Thanks Sam - Ann Marie and I had a lovely meet up and afternoon. We are both doing sits in the downtown core, although I’m a local who lives in a suburb of Vancouver. We had an outing on the seabus to North Vancouver and had lots of great chat! It was terrific to meet up with a fellow sitter and exchange sit and travel stories!
@Globetrotter It was nice to visit with a local! Great opportunity to make a new THS friend . It’s my first time in Vancouver and I am really enjoying the city.