Hi there,
Would anyone like to meet up in Vancouver, BC? I’m thinking Ambleside Dog Beach would be a good location. My husband and I have enjoyed it there before.
Please comment if you’re interested, and what day(s)/time(s) would work for you. Then perhaps I’ll set up a poll for us to confirm a time.
This is my first time arranging something like this. It would be good to enjoy some fresh air and connect with others doing this whole petsitting thing.
Hope to hear from you soon!
I’d be interested, and I’m quite flexible about when to do this.
Feel free to pm me.
@Sitandsat it is great you are leading a meetup and I am so happy you already have one engagement planned. Hopefully more will follow as I see that Dog Beach is great!
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Sounds good! I’ll plan to get in touch with you next week. We’re just heading out camping for the weekend.
Hi! My partner and I will be in Vancouver from July 21st and we’d love to meet up with other pet sitters!
We’ll be in Vancouver from 21st July onwards. I’m hoping it’s not too late for us to join you guys. We’re free any weekend except the day of the 29th, and we can do weekday evenings.
Looking forward to hopefully meeting up with you guys!
Hi @ChocolatePenguin, it would be great to meet you and your partner. Not too late! We haven’t picked a date yet. The days/times you suggest would work well for us. How about you, @Peonie19? Any preference?
Hello! How about the early afternoon of July 23? I have a commitment in the late afternoon/early evening, but earlier in the day should work.
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Works for me! Say 1PM on Sunday the 23rd at Ambleside Park? Sound good with you, @ChocolatePenguin?
Hello, I would love to join you!
1pm on the 23rd sounds great!
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Excellent, sounds like there are six of us now
And with lots of time for others to join in too.
I’ll send everyone interested a group message closer to the date to confirm and figure out where exactly to meet.
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@ChocolatePenguin @Sitandsat @nan @Peonie19 …
Congratulations on getting this together and in my home city of beautiful Vancouver BC but please remember one thing PICTURES … lots of them 
Beautiful pics and the waves washing up that you captured is amazing!
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