Member Spotlight: Cuttlefish

Hello everyone!

We’ve decided to post a regular Member Spotlight and/or Team Spotlight on the Forum so that you can get to know your fellow members, and your Forum team, a bit better!

If you read our March 2024 Round-Up, you might have noticed a Member Spotlight celebrating @Cuttlefish, the house-sitting duo known on the Forum for being hashtag heroes!

We wanted to share the Spotlight again in a post of its very own, as future Spotlights will appear in their own post, with a link on the Trusted Housesitters Round-Up every couple of months.

And now, without further ado, over to @Cuttlefish

How did you get into house-sitting?

“Yearning to travel again post-Covid but at a slower pace. Quite a few people had said it would suit us. As a new couple, it was an exciting adventure together that could take us anywhere. 2.5 years, 17 countries, and 30 sits later, it was a smart plan!”

Tell us about your favorite house sit so far?

“So many good ones. The most memorable was an off-grid northern Thailand sit for a month living in a treehouse taking care of 36 animals.”

What’s your favorite book?


What’s one key thing have you learned since house-sitting?

“Always have a plan B (& C!).”

What’s your favorite animal?

“Hippos are pretty amazing.”

What’s your favorite song?

“Colours by Black Pumas.”

Where in the world would your dream house sit be?

“The Bahamas sounds nice.”

Next time, this could be you!

If you fancy your moment in the spotlight, please send Jenny or Carla a DM.

Until next time…

Jenny :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:



What was it like living in a treehouse and what kinds of 36 animals did you care for?

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@Cuttlefish the treehouse adventure sounds awesome, year’s ago I lived in a tree house while volunteering on a coffee farm on the Big Island of Hawaii, and 36 animal’s thats wild, literally. Kudos to you and your adventures.

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That sounds fab too @Catgoddess_99 & thank you :star_struck: #livingthedream


Hello :wave:t3: @sharondc - wait for it….three dogs, 2 giant tortoises, a bearded dragon, conures, cockatiels, quail (plus new chicks), blue cockatiels (and new chicks also arrived, chickens & chicks and fish. Snakes :snake: were optional but visited the shower :rofl:


Wow! Wonderful photos! I waited for it and, that experience you had in Thailand with 36 animals sounds amazing. Although, “the snakes visiting the shower” would give me worry. :laughing:

Thank you for sharing. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Wow! That’s a well-deserved and well-chosen Member Spotlight! I read your pet sitting bio, Cuttlefish, and thought “Goals!”

You are a real asset to this community and to all you encounter and care for.


Oh so wise one :person_in_lotus_position::joy: Well done mate.


Thank you, that’s super sweet of you to say :hugs: #hugsallround

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Love that @ziggy :heart: #onetokeep

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A golden tree snake :snake: which is very lucky!

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LOVE this!

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We are currently on our second house sit here in Brookings, Oregon. Although we have done sits in the Cotswolds surrounded by Blue Bell fields, the closest house over looking Urquhart Castle and dramatic views of the Swiss Alps this may have the best view of the over one hundred sits that we have done thanks to THS. The ice on the cake is that we are so close to the most magnificent trees on the planet that we have been day tripping to them regularly.


Congratulations on being selected for a sit in one of the most magnificent places on the planet. We were lucky enough to spend time driving the Oregon Coast last summer and my appetite for that area remains strong! That’s a spectacular photo you shared. I can hear the ocean from here in hot and humid Central Texas. Ahhhhhh!

Thank you. Fortunately I’ve been doing this for so long that I can and am very particular. I Love the Oregon Coast. Also fortunate that my Brother lives on the Central Oregon Coast overlooking the Ocean. He is off to Europe for six weeks this August into September so we are looking after his house although no pets. The great thing about this sit is that we can easily visit the incredible Redwoods across the border with only a short drive. There yesterday and returning again next week. I have had some amazing experiences through THS over the years. Plan to travel through Europe one more time next year by way of them.


@Cuttlefish WOAH. That’s incredible. I’m just getting started and dipped my toes in slowly with one pet for my first 2 sits, and feeling confident am moving up to 2 on our next one! :rofl:


Lovely area! We did a lot of camping along the Oregon Coast when our children were young - love it there!

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Slowly does it @NCSitterPD :raised_hands:t3::rofl::heart:

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Where were the giant Tortoises?

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In northern Thailand, a couple of hours out of Chang Mai :thailand: