Forum Team Spotlight: Carla

Hello everyone!

You might have noticed that I recently posted a Member Spotlight for the lovely @Cuttlefish - here’s our Forum Team spotlight for our wonderful @Carla!

There have been changes in the Forum over the last year and we thought it’d be a great opportunity to reintroduce ourselves and help you get to know us better.

Take it away, @Carla!

How did you get into house-sitting?

My first experience of housesitting was when I was an equine groom in my early twenties, people who met me in the horse community started asking if I would care for their horses, and dogs (and once kids!) so they could go on holiday.

Later on in life I saw a job opening at THS and loved that I could combine my love of all things animals, work and travel! Then my husband joined my sitting adventures!

Tell us about your favourite house sit so far

It is always hard to choose favourites, isn’t it!? Several stand out, but the one we loved the most was with a pit bull named Whiskey who reminded me of my heart dog that passed away. In looks but also personality. They also had horses and great neighbours who invited us to horse ride. We have been back twice more and if it was not the other side of the country would go again in a heartbeat.

What’s your favourite book?

A short history of nearly everything by Bill Bryson, for some reason it sticks in my mind from when I read it years ago.

What one key thing have you learned since house-sitting?

Adjust your preferences as you go. The more we sat the more we found out what worked for us and what didn’t. If something doesn’t feel right then it’s probably best to change direction as there are plenty more opportunities out there. Have a backup plan and most of all enjoy what you do!

What’s your favourite animal, domestic or non-domestic?

Horses & dogs have always had my heart, but I grew up in a rural farming community and just loved all things animals.

What’s your favourite song?

Slightly embarrassed to admit this but MMMbop by Handson was a song that evoked amazing memories at a certain time in my life.

Where in the world would your dream housesit be?

A ranch in Montana, USA with horses and livestock or a tropic island with white sandy beaches and clear blue seas.! Maybe one after the other to try a farm lifestyle then relax!

Share an interesting fact about yourself?

I’m from the UK but live in the USA. America has some yummy food, but I do miss special treats of cream teas in country settings and a traditional pub roast dinner.

We recently took on my second-ever foster dog as we like to foster between breaks from sitting. Meet Cee Cee the rescue pup!

Thanks to Carla for sharing some interesting facts, and keep an eye out for our next Forum Team Spotlight!

Take care,



Have you seen the grown-up acoustic version of MMMBop on You Tube? It’s great…and you can see that we are not the only one getting older…
Just look up Hanson - ‘MmmBop’ | Basement Sessions on YouTube and enjoy!


@KateY No I’ve not seen it! I will google it now :notes: Thank you for your suggestion and MmmBop support!!! :smiling_face: I can’t wait to see them with their grown-up look.