Missing things after sit

I don’t know who to contact about this concern. When we left on ur trip we left 7 rolls of toilet paper in the guest bathroom and when the next sitter arrived there was only 1 roll - it’s possible the sitter took them. Also, I have no proof so I can’t accuse him - but I had a birthday card with $200 on my bookshelf and it’s gone. My fault for leaving it out. I don’t know what to do but learn from it. All our other sitters have been so wonderful! Joyce

From your post it sounds like one sitter handed off to another? If so you would have issues discovering who (if anyone) were the culprit. Regarding the TP I would let that slide but before accusing anyone about the money I would check EVERYWHERE to make sure it wasn’t just mis placed. After that a few non accusatory questions to each sitter may shed light. Last question. Did both sitters have good reviews?


You seem to have an extraordinary awareness of how you left things. In other cases like this I would suggest that maybe you forgot that you had hidden the gift card form view before the sitter’s arrival. Anyway, I would look between the books etc.

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Unfortunately this is a problem with having two sitters. I would never accept a sit where I handed over to, or took over from another sitter. As you say, a learning experience but I’m sad if a sitter did steal the $200


WOW, You count your toilet rolls? strange.


Impossible to know which sitter if either took the loo roll or money - why did you decide to split the sit , was it a long one ?

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Since the paper is a consumable, it seems more likely it was just used and not replaced. Who has the room to carry 7 rolls of TP out when they are carrying luggage and other things, and why would it be worth the trouble?

Regarding the money, I’ve been to many sits where there’s been money laying around. As sitters, we all know that people live their lives in their homes. I set up my things in the rooms I will use, and ignore the owners things.

If I were an owner and I had two sitters doing a handover, I would ask the first to make a walk through video of your place before they depart, and ask the second sitter to make a walk through video upon arrival. Then you would each have peace of mind of how you left things for the next person who arrived.


We don’t count our toilet paper rolls - my husband had just stocked the bathroom and knows how many rolls it takes- the toilet paper doesn’t matter. The sitter lives out of his car when not sitting.

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We had a second sitter because we extended our trip and he couldn’t stay. We met the replacement sitter before we left. I wasn’t real comfortable with the first guy from the beginning but he had many positive reviews. We have searched the house - it was a card my husband had written and meant more to me than the money. I don’t believe the second sitter would have taken anything - we felt really good about her when we met. The TP is no big deal but the first sitter had a car and the second ones were flying. The 2nd sitter’s husband took over for her - she had to leave - he spent 3 days with us when we returned early and we got to know him pretty well. Anyway, there is really no way to know for sure - I’ll go back to being extra careful. It’ disappointing because we’ve had such great luck with all our sitters and are so grateful to have the service! They all had great reviews. Thanks for your input. Joyce


He would have if he was doing this full time. But there is no way to see how many missing reviews sitters have. This is a security problem on THS.

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Oh really? I didn’t know that! Isn’t this displayed in the same way as in the Pet parents case?
Something like ‘Maria looked after HannahMontana (example) pets.’

No, it is different. Missing reviews are only shown for owners, and only in the app (you don’t see this in the web interface).

Thanks for the information.

@Lemire So you actually had three separate sitters who looked after your home -
Sitter one who

Sitter two


So any one of them could have taken something or equally likely it may be misplaced with the cleaning and tidying before and in between each sitter .

I do hope the card has been misplaced and turns up soon.


Don’t know how long the sit was, but each sitter could have been using toilet paper, and most people won’t think to “replenish” toilet paper, so I don’t know if I’d blame anyone for that. True story: We recently completed a sit where the homeowners used some kind of “bamboo toilet paper” and those rolls wen ridiculously fast!

As for the card, I agree with others that it might have been misplaced. I would in a nonaccusatory way ask each of the sitters about this starting with the first if they remember seeing the card or could have moved it/put it away someplace. If you have a bad feeling about the first sitter, then maybe don’t bother contacting but don’t accuse either. Entirely possible someone noticed the money in cleaning and put it away somewhere and forgot about it.


Please don’t take sitters that you don’t have a good feeling about or your brain :brain: will always think the worst of them @Lemire . You have to ask them ALL a question along the lines of “Did you happen to see a card with some money in it during your sit as I can’t find it and you may have tidied it away for safekeeping.” You’re not accusing anyone that way, but you are flagging that you know it was there. #seeifthatbearsfruit