More photos

Please,please,please can we post more photos!

Ive looked after lots of animals and want to upload a picture of each and everyone.

Why are we limited?

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More photos requires more server space for THS, which costs money and resources.

As a HO, I won’t look at the photos of the animals you have cared for. I don’t care what the prior cats or dogs looked like. If I want to know that you have experience with my particular breed of animal, I expect you to mention that in your application. I won’t trawl through tens of photos to find one of a bengal or French bulldog, for example.

As a pet owner, animal foster, volunteer, and pet-sitter, I have cared for many hundreds of animals/birds/fish/poultry/etc. I have not uploaded any photos of them, but I have an Instagram account where HOs can see photos if they want.


@Lassie goodness. So harsh. I believe Im still entitled to my own opinion :anguished:

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I completely disagree.
As a pet owner, one of the things I look for is how the sitters behave with pets, and you can definitely see it in the photos too, when you notice unnatural shots taken just to show the sitter was there with the pet, but the pet wasn’t really at ease with that.
While, on the opposite side, I can totally see when in a photo the sitter is getting along very well with a pet, because I can see a very relaxed dog or cat completely trusting the sitter and enjoying the contact.

Last not least, as a sitter too myself, I would like to publish more photos because I don’t like the idea to delete photos of pets I’ve cared for just because I want to show the newest ones. I loved them all as if they were mine, so I don’t want to choose between them which ones to show.


I look at the sitter’s profile photos to see if they are at ease with animals. My comment related to the OPs desire to include a photo of every animal they had cared for. I think that is unnecessary and wouldn’t help me as a homeowner.