Museums of the World


Hi @Catgoddess_99 wow! That’s certainly an eclectic mix. It reminded me of the Cup Noodles Museum in Yokohama, Japan. We just happened to stumble across it when out and about. It’s definitely worth a visit if you happen to be in the area!


Thanks for sharing

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This is so funny, I don’t think of myself as a “museum person”. Probably too many school field trips, being bored by looking at rock after rock after rock, or painting after painting after painting.


… but I am remembering a few incredible places! Technically, yes, museums, but really engaging! Each of them, I’d go back to in a heartbeat!

The Mütter museum in Philadelphia! Not for the faint of heart, but absolutely fascinating. It’s very strange, I struggle to describe it. Two of the features that stick out most in my mind: one is a room-sized floor to ceiling cabinet of human skulls. The other is a drawer full of things that were extracted from the throats of people who choked on them.

It’s supposed to be about a 90 minute visit. We were there for at least 3 hours. And probably would have stayed longer!

Milwaukee has two don’t-miss destinations (aside from the statue of the Bronze Fonz!)

Chudnow Museum Of Yesteryear. Each room of the collection is organized into a series of period-themed settings. There’s a drug store, a grocery store, a malt shop (with old time sodas for sale), a hardware store, a train depot, a doctor’s office, a small movie house that screens historical shorts and old cartoons on a loop, and even a “secret” speakeasy.

Pro Tip: Take The Guided Tour. There’s nothing like having someone
who is passionate share anecdotes. The admission is dirt cheap, so tip the dude generously.


Grohmann Museum. Self-proclaimed to be “the world’s most comprehensive art collection dedicated to the evolution of human work.”

To be clear, I am not a museum person, but we went there in the morning, left to get lunch, and then come back in the afternoon, and then they kicked us out because they were closing!


@PVGemini yes Chihuly Garden! My cousin recommeded it when we were in Seattle in 2014. We thought a glass museum sounded a bit naff but how wrong we were! Absolutely beautiful!


Sounds a weird one but I love everything about the history and evolution of anatomy, surgery and anything medical.

In Edinburgh, Scotland, The Surgeons’ Hall Museum comprises the Museum’s of Pathology, the History of Surgery and Dental collection. Wall to Wall exhibits of every part of the human body, diseases etc, totally intriguing. No, not for everyone but anyone interested in medicine would love it.


I’m looking forward to going to the Corning museum in NY! Yes, the same “Corning” as the bowls our grandmothers used!

It’s not just mixing bowls and casseroles. This place has gorgeous pieces of glass as art, in every form!


@MissChef looks fab! Another one to add to our never ending “to do” list! :sweat_smile::slightly_smiling_face:

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@MissChef, I was just about to mention the Mutter Museum too. We spent three hours there as well. Standouts for me were the toxic megacolon, the death cast of conjoined twins Chang and Eng and their joined liver.

@ziggy, I wish I had known about the similar museum in Edinburgh when I was there.

Another good one is the Tenement Museum in NYC. A guide takes you through an actual recreated tenement and talks about the families that lived there.


@MissChef if that is your Corningware you are sitting on a fortune!

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I’ve just remembered the little known Sir John Soane’s museum in London which is well worth a visit and entry is free, although you can pay for a booked tour accessing extra rooms. Amazing array of this architect’s varied collections amongst which are Hogarth’s ‘The Rake’s Progress’

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@MissChef I found that museum purely by accident when driving from Niagara Falls back to Boston. Didn’t know where I was, just taking random roads :face_with_spiral_eyes: It definitely is a great place and I got to watch them blowing glass also. Certainly is some serious money in that Corning Ware now!


@mars oooh I have just put the Mutter Museum on my list to do, sounds incredible! It sounds as good or better than the one in Edinburgh, though the one in Edinburgh were floor to ceiling jars and exhibits of every conceivable thing you could possibly imagine. Sounds macabre but I think I have a secret surgeon living inside my soul :joy:

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This is a great post @Samox24! I’m getting together a list of great museums to visit in the future. Thanks all :pray:

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My all time favorite museum is in my current hometown: Miniature Wonderland in Hamburg, Germany. It’s a model railway museum on steroids and an absolute must see. Book your tickets the minute you know you are coming to Hamburg, they sell out for holidays and weekends months in advance. Words can’t do this place justice. You can find videos online and documentaries about this one. Trust me, just go!


Hi @FrauSheri this museum looks fab! :steam_locomotive::slightly_smiling_face:

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We recently went on a Baltic Sea cruise and two of the museums we saw are now on my top 10 list.

The Vasa Museum in Stockholm “displays the only almost fully intact 17th-century ship that has ever been salvaged, the 64-gun warship that sank on her maiden voyage in 1628.” It’s surreal to walk into a 7-story building and see an entire old wooden ship inside it.

And in Gdańsk, Poland we went to the Museum of the Second World War. They have done an incredible job portraying “a narrative of history, in which the Second World War is presented in a modern way from the perspective of the unique experience of Poles, taking into account both the greater politics of the time as well as the attitudes of ordinary people towards the reality of war and the nightmare of the occupation of the Polish Republic by two totalitarian regimes.“ It really is unlike any other war museum I’ve seen.


Hi @Catgoddess_99 we will definitely have to check this museum out next time we are in San Francisco :+1:t2:

Another museum we really enjoyed was the Houston Museum of Natural Science, especially meeting the hologram dinosaurs! :sauropod:
Not sure if you have visited this one @geoff.hom ?


I’m sure its a cool museum, but I’m not likely to head to Texas. Too hot and not an area of interest for me. Thanks for the suggestion though.

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Hi @Samox24!

I haven’t been to the Houston Museum of Natural Science. In fact, my first time to Houston was a couple weeks ago, when we simply drove thru on the way to my cruise! :passenger_ship:

I’m also not sure if I’ve been to the California Academy of Sciences, though I once lived in the Bay Area.

However, when I was a kid, my mom would drive us all the way from Sacramento to the Lawrence Hall of Science, to see the animatronic dinosaurs.

At the time, I didn’t appreciate all the sacrifices my parents made for me (and my sister). :cry: :heartpulse: