New Feedback

If a sitter doesn’t leave feedback and the HO does, after 14 days, can the sitter respond to the HO feedback?

I ask this, because, I strongly suspectcthe HO is gearing up to leave bad feedback, effectively because she can. I prefer to leave positive feedback, but if I am honest, I would have to put that the HO was very controlling of our leisure time and unhappy that we politely declined the offer to dine with her neighbours, for example.

Welcome @alpem .
Yes you can leave a response to the HOs review of you , even if you haven’t left a review of them.
However your reply will not be seen by other sitters looking at the home owners listing. The best way to “warn” potential future sitters is to write an honest review of the sit. It shouldn’t be emotional , personal or unkind but it should be honest .

Think about what you as a sitter wished you had known before agreeing to the sit - positive and negative and write that as your factual review.

Not writing an honest review or any review at all is a disservice to fellow sitters . I am so grateful to all the sitters who honestly review home owners either positively or negatively because it gives me information on which I can base my decision to either APPLY or AVOID a listing.

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Thank you for your advise. I will leave a review. Wish it hadn’t come to this.

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@alpem thanks for deciding to leave a review.
Factual, non emotional and as concise as possible would benefit your situation I believe.

@alpem if you would like help - feel free to draft a review and post it on here for some feedback from forum members

(make sure it doesn’t include any information that would identify the homeowner)

Will do, thanks!


Edited to remove personal information (phone number and email address) as per the posting terms.
Please feel free to DM this information.

Deleting my original comment - but will leave outcome.

Had negative feedback from a HO given by mistake: positive review but 1*. It looks like THS did allow HO to revise. We should all be allowed to revise our reviews if they weren’t our intent, so I appreciate that this was done.