New rules about leaving review beyond 14 days

Hey guys! We are Gabryel and Vera, we are very sad about a sittuation that happened with us. We had a incredible sitting in Zurich during 6 weeks with 3 lovely cats (Mona, Guinness and Lucky), and as the system works everyone know how important is the review and feedbacks.

Unfortunatelly our hosts had some healthy problems and lost the 14 days time to making a review for us. They tried to contact THS by email and had a answer saying that is not possible change this.

We understand that is a rule and new system, but in exceptions could be a solution about this after all they had a healthy problem and stayed long time in the hospital.


@gabryel.stropp since this new review system has been introduced
the only way around this would be to ask these homeowners to give you external reference.

You can request an external reference from your dashboard on the website .

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Would definitely suggest you ask them to do this for you especially if you’re building your review history.

And then you can just ask them to explain the situation and missed window. :+1:t4:

If it helps I had a similar situation and just posted their review on my profile in the description with the location and their name noting that they missed the 14-day deadline.

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