New to THS need advise

Hi Everyone!
I’m a new user here, and I would like some opinions about my listing to see what I’m missing or what I can do differently!
Thanks, everyone!

Hi, and welcome @SandraH
You have a lot of the basics of the listing, just some refinement suggested.

  1. Photos: make your first photo the most appealing one, say the balcony or pool. You don’t need too many photos of the cats, just 3 or 4 will do.
  2. Headline: use a phrase that mentions the best aspects of your sit, like “Stay on the doorstep of a Napa Valley” or “Hike, swim and workout in our remodeled condo”
  3. Responsibilities: say exactly when the cats need to be fed as “early morning” could be 6am or 10am. Do the cats need to be played with, or are they self sufficient and amuse themselves?
  4. House: mention if it is non-smoking, and talk about the desk or office area more
  5. Location implies San Francisco, but it is really 1 hour away from SF. Update your location so the map is more accurate. You can mention that SF city is 30min drive or 1hr public transport.

Best of luck finding a sitter.


I agree with all the points above- the first photo doesn’t make me want to explore further, so I’d lose that one and yes the amenities would sell it for me I think. Say more about the locality- and easiness of public transport and nice things to do.
It feels like you’re mainly pitching to a digital nomad so imagine pitching to a retired couple like us (sorry we’re already busy sitting on those dates)what might we be attracted by? Best wishes…

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Hello - you might want to check out my post I recently wrote :blush: Hope it helps!

5 common mistakes to avoid for a successful listing


Hi @SandraH
Looks amazing place you have and 2 cute cats to serve! However I agree what what’s already been said in that the first pic needs to capture a sitters attention so view/your pet is good. I’d definitely move the pictures of your cats to be the near the front of your photo’s.
Good luck.

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Can you link to your post so that we can easily see it?

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The link to their listing is in their profile click on their face and then highlight the listing to open as a link.

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Hi, everyone. I made changes to the listing. Check it out ad let me now what you think


Listing link removed due to posting terms, please click on user name to view the listing link :slight_smile:

Hi @SandraH you have a gorgeous home and cute cats! We are busy with another sit for these days, but have saved your listing for future opportunities. Our suggestion is to please remove the blurry, copyrighted images from your profile and leave only pictures that you’ve taken. Your listing’s title photo is currently from grabbed from here:

Just made changes!
Let me know what you think!
Thank you !!!

Hi there!
Oh you would love it here! :heart:
So bad you are busy those dates, the place and the area is perfect for anyone that would appreciate life in general.
We are very blessed to live in such of amazing area.
Appreciate your feedback!

Thank you!
I did and took many of the recommendations and updated my post.
Take a look when you have a chance

Hi @SandraH - if I take a look at your listing there are still some fuzzy stock shots as the first few & takes me at least 20 to get to your handsome cat. Would start with the cat & then follow with one of the kitchen, living room, sitters bedroom & bathroom and go from there. Am pretty sure @Nagy26 has sent her excellent guidelines to follow. They will get you on the right path. A balance between welcoming, genuine and realistic. Also, where do the cats sleep is a good thing to add. Best of luck.

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