And that is a perfectly reasonable request. It is a pity that some of the newer HO in this site don’t share your reasonable approach.
I do a bit, from a distance, as an uninvolved observer. I am always surprised that some people are willing to take those sits, especially those where the tone of the listing is clearly bossy and entitled but, after all, this is a matching site.
Thing is, there are people who accept questionable or poor treatment on sits and in many circumstances in life. The exploitative hosts, bosses, partners in personal relationships, etc., are always looking for people pleasers, martyrs, those with poor boundary setting and weak radar for warning signals, etc. Those of us who are not among such folks are inconsequential to them. Being offended doesn’t matter.
The best you can do in such circumstances is try to warn potential (repeat) victims, but they often are slow to take advice or learn. That’s why you’ll see patterns of problems and behaviors among folks, unfortunately.
Why would you accept a sit that isn’t suited to you?
There are literally thousands of sits and thousands of sitters on this platform.
ALL kinds of needs/preferences on both sides of the equation.
We’ve had wonderful experiences with lovely, welcoming, considerate, generous hosts. Yes, a few that we weren’t as pleased with - but the majority have been great and truly “get” the win/win of the THS equation.
While no one should be “overbearing and demanding” on either side, both sides have a right to set expectations and provide clear guidelines ahead of a sit.
IF a HO did NOT make clear an expectation of all-day care before a sit? Unacceptable.
In that instance I think there are at least two options:
(1) Inform the HO that their undisclosed demands cannot be met.
(2) Inform THS of the HO’s unexpected and unfair demands.
However, keep in mind there are Nomad Remote Workers in THS & for them a sit providing a good environment, that fits their schedule, location needs? Being in the home most of the day isn’t a problem: it’s what they will do by the nature of their work.
All about finding the Sitter/Sit that fits.
True. If the HO asks for ABC and that was NOT made clear in the Post or during the conversations leading up to accepting a Sit, then ta Sitter can simply say, “That wasn’t in your post or part of our conversations, I can’t do that.”
There are those who will push as much as they’re allowed, some will allow themselves to be taken advantage of. AND it should be noted it’s true of BOTH sides.
In th Forum & personally most of us have heard horror stories of Sitters taking advantage of good Hosts as well as Hosts being unreasonable in demands of Sitters.
Just like in the rest of life…
Glad you posted this: it’s astonishing to me that anyone (Host or Sitter) would not understand there are THOUSANDS of Sitters and THOUSANDS of Home/Pet Owners on THS so logically there is a HUGE variety of needs/wants/expectation on both sides of the equation!
IMHO it’s ALL about transparency and intentions on both sides.
I woud say we’ve had 95% great sitters/HO experiences (having been both a HO needing a Sitter and a Sitter doing sits).
Of course, it takes careful reading of posts initially (we move past all Red Flag posts) and asking questions, setting expectations in conversations leading up to an agreement.
Like everything in life…
Well stated.
I haven’t been to Yorkshire since my Uni days (and I’m retired now!)
Have often wanted to revisit the NE of England…
ONE of these days it will fit my plans and your home sounds lovely. I’d def apply to that kind of write-up because IMHO yours sounds like it would be a clear Post about expectations & also kindly sharing what’s interesting to do, able to reach a number of interesting spots within a reasonable drive.
Who knows, Charlie, we may meet yet!
We once turned down a Sit invitation because the Host kept saying, “It’s so great that you get FREE places to stay!” At least half a dozen times. They had a puppy which wasn’t house trained.
We haven’t listed yet but plan to be away for a couple of weeks in June and ten weeks from late August so if you might be interested send me a link to your profile and if we think we’re a good fit, we’ll be happy to invite you.
Hi, Charlie - We are in the UK/EU October to May. June-Sept typically spend in British Columbia seeing family/friends so I for this first summer, prob not possible. That said, 2024 was our last year of being rigid about that schedule but we do plans for BC in May & Sept - but let’s be in touch for future sits - absolutely looks like a good fit!
We have a very demanding sit and sitters can’t leave ours alone for any more than an hour or so. To compensate we invite the sitters to stay in our apartment before or after a sit so that they can explore the area without any pet sitting commitment. Works well for us. For us, our first priority is our animals and expect pur sitters to put that need first, then the house. They’re not coming for a free holiday.
It is not free. I pay a lot of money - membership fee, travel, additional nights accommodation. I believe sitters often pay more than hosts.
If I only wanted to care for pets I would
- stay at home with my own pet and/or
- Volunteer in a local shelter and save myself for travel costs in the thousands. I don’t pay a considerable sum of money to travel cross-border to work for free for a stranger.
Take away «free holiday « - what is the perk I am paying for?
It seems you have found a solution that some sitters are interested in. Great that you’ve found something that works for you to attract a sitter!
All of your issues and concerns can be addressed with a single word : Communication. This
begins with a thorough reading of the sit being offered.
Be sure that you can provide what the HO is asking - no matter what it is ! HO’s can ask anything they want and it is up to YOU to decide whether or not you can fulfill these requests.
If you are chosen for a sit, again, ask for specifics re: pet care. Ask a lot of q’s so that you have as clear and thorough a picture of the requirements.
Here, again, if you cannot fulfill these you can decline for any or no reason.
Sure, HO’s (and some sitters) can be demanding but that is their prerogative just as your is the freedom to say, “No. Thank you”.
I have been a THS for 10 years both as a HO and a sitter. When I am HO we don’t have pets but I require a minimum of 2 hours a day watering our garden. We never have a problem attracting sitters. As a sitter (I do about 3 a year) never had a HO tell me we couldn’t leave the pets. We mostly do cats these days and I would like about 4 hours to explore the area most days. This has always been possible. If we do dogs I quite like taking them out with us wherever we are going so again never a problem. I think you have been very unlucky. As several people have said the key bit of the process is asking the right questions at interview. Ask HO direct question ‘can your pet be left alone’ and them make your decision at that stage.
You do have to sort them.
I always do a zoom interview if they are not local; if they are local I always meet them first and check out the home first.
Given what you have discovered, I would be putting that in my interview.
Let them know I need to be out for part of the day and what is the longest the animal can be safely left alone-
Safely means psychologically as well as physically.
If they say, an hour, or less, they are not right for you.
Sitting is not full time care, it’s meant to be as they would do.
For example, I’ve had people say 4-6 hours most commonly.
If they don’t want you to go out for the day, as in going to work, they usually request work from home or retired.
Then if it doesn’t suit you, simply say so.
Being away overnight won’t be suitable for most, though I’ve had some that have said for a cat, that’s ok as long as litter and dinner out.
So as with anything involving human beings, you need to do your due diligence, check out everything important to you in advance.
I haven’t had any horrible sits, having done this.
Hope that helps!
Um, I have a bad review for my only sit because the lady didn’t leave the medication out for me and misrepresented her dogs’ behavior in the app.
Did you feel the pet was misrepresented?
I can tell you who in NC not to sit for if you want to make sure you don’t have to clean up after dogs tearing the place apart and especially your own belongings which they will destroy.
Edited to comply with forum guidelines
As I have said before, there are sits for everyone. I was on in Bali over the holidays and ate out every night for 2 weeks. So I have no need to eat out or explore when I am on sits. Sits work for me since I wanted to stay out of the north for the winter. I am in TX for the month, heading towards FL. I hang in the house glad I am not in arctic temperatures in Michigan. I walk the dogs every 4-5 hours, they get short walks (short for me) and it works. I am in a lovely condo. It has a community pool, but too cold. And it works. Next I go slightly north of here, stay with dogs, they go in the backyard, so not as much walking, but I will hang in the house. That works. So sits that require you to stay in the house, except go to the grocery store, work for me. So just don’t take a sit that doesn’t work for you. If you want to be out and about, take a sit with a cat. I do have one sit only cat, coming up. And it has a cat door. So it is really easy. I was on a sit in Albuquerque and I would do an hour and half walk with the dogs once a day. My choice. I wanted the exercise on the trails. It was great weather. I had a video call for a short sit where I withdrew. First time. It wasn’t worth my time and savings of 2 hotel nights. If dog sitting isn’t for you, don’t do it. Stop complaining if the host wants you to be there. Don’t take the sit.
A HO can request whatever they want but they may not get the best sitter/any sitter if it’s a bit ott. That includes not leaving the property as I was requested to do on a pre sit video chat and also not use any heating in the UK in December! I politely declined the sit!
Well there are ridiculous requests. But then, like you didn’t take the request. I have never been told not to adjust heat. I haven’t. But I have been given the option. And never leaving the property is ridiculous. But it may work out for someone. I am basically going from LA to FL, then back up to Michigan. I am just looking for housing in exchange for pet care. Not sight seeing. Except I really wanted to be in New Orleans for a day or 2. I have 2 nights not booked, and the way to New Orleans. I couldn’t have done a stay, but I opted for hotel and do my sight seeing. I had been there once and wanted to go again for the day. For the first time I am thinking of a long term stay in Europe, just to chill. That would be totally different from what I have used THS, as a hotel replacement as I am on the road. I digress.
so selfish. I dont understand this mentality at all.