Overnight stay if leaving early

We have to leave for the airport at 6 o’clock in the morning the first sit day.

What would be normal, would we just pay for a hotel and pick her up in the morning or have her stay over the night before?

It feels a bit awkward to have someone you’ve never met stay over but if that’s what’s done we will do that

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Either is fine. I found it a bit awkward to stay over the night before too. But we had shared a nice dinner that the HO cooked the night before and it was OK. There is some benefit to knowing that the sitter is in place before leaving.

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We are quite often asked to come and stay the evening before, when the homeowner has an early departure.


Other alternative would be that you stay that night at a hotel close to the airport.

But no, it is not awkward. I have done it several times as a sitter on THS. And as host or guest on couchsurfing etc. It is fun! Having dinner together, drink a glass of wine, socializing.


What everyone said above. I have also offered to arrive after dinner time, which takes the pressure off from the HO to host me for dinner. The hotel option doesn’t look feasible since you are departing very early.


I’ve done it three ways:

• Stayed overnight at the sit. Not awkward at all. We chatted, had dinner like normal people. In one case, I stayed ahead two nights.
• Did a tour (and the HOs made lunch in one case). Stayed at a hotel overnight. These were small apartments in big cities.
• The HOs picked me up, gave me a tour and then headed off to an airport hotel for the evening.

All of them unfolded into good sits.


I always invite people to arrive at least one day, or if they prefer, several days before we leave. By arriving early I can show them everything they need to know about the house and the locality.
I also say they don’t have to quickly leave when we arrive back home. I find it strange that anyone would find it 'awkward" to meet people whom will be trusted to look after pets and property!
In any event I believe it is common courtesy to offer sitters accommodation and treat them as guests and friends.


@CatD - do what you feel comfortable with. If you have the room and the sitter is happy to arrive the day before then go ahead. Personally I enjoy meeting the homeowners and pets before their departure and the homeowner can relax knowing the sitter has arrived. Not all sitters feel comfortable with that.

I have never had a homeowner pay for a hotel for a night prior to the sit but I have paid for one myself (my choice as it was an early arrival over the festive period).

It is not something that should be a last minute conversation after the sit has been confirmed. All the logistics of arrival and departure times should be discussed beforehand. As with all things THS - communication is key.


Hi Cath,

It is quite normal to have a sitter or sitter the evening before and share a meal together and go over things etc. This frequently happens. I have experienced quite a few enjoyable evenings with pet owners. They also find it far less stressful to know you have arrived OK. Even if owners are not leaving till midday, they frequently like you to arrive the evening before. so they are not worrying that you could get held up due to traffiuc/accidents etc. en-route. It also gives you a chance to get to know pets and their routines etc. I have frequently been taken on doggy walks beforehand, Great to be shown the area. I much prefer a more relaxed handover rather than a ;pasnicked quick one, with owners still fratically packing and then a taxi turning up before, you have been shown where everything is.


Some house owners prefer me to come the day before so they can relax about leaving there pets and home in safe hands.but if a one bedroom home not possible obviously and the ho has paid for me to stay in a hotel. Also have never met ho either just a key left with a neighbour or hidden somewhere and leave before they come home.

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We like overnight stays with HOs especially if there are dogs, or multi animals and/or a complex sit. Helps everyone involved relax and bond. We only sit for people we have a genuine connection with and many have become friends. If you can host your sitters and want to, it’s a great thing to do as part of the sitting experience and if not. Revert to plan b. :+1:t3:


Hi @CatD and a very warm welcome to the Community Forum :wave:t2::slightly_smiling_face:

As @Twitcher mentioned, you need to do whatever you are comfortable with. We have often stayed the night before with homeowners and enjoyed a lovely meal they have prepared. It’s a great way to get to know one another and great friendships can be formed.
If not then we have always paid for accommodation nearby so that we can be there for the homeowners departure time. We would never expect the homeowner to pay for any accommodation for us.

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If you are unsure how to do this, or if you have any questions at all, do not hesitate to ask, we are all more than happy to help. :blush:

If it’s awkward for you to have them stay over, you could stay at an airport hotel and do the handover on the afternoon/evening before your flight. The sitters could then stay at your house and you’d be at the hotel.


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