Owners - Please share how you got started on THS

Hi everyone :wave:

The Forum Community is fantastic at helping new owners get started, offering tips and advice on creating their listings.

Is this how you got started as a new owner? Or did you use other resources on the THS platform, like the blog, FAQs, Membership Services, or any other THS tools?

Maybe you went solo and didn’t use any of these resources. If that’s the case, was there something that could have made your journey easier when you were starting out?

We’d love to hear your stories about how you got started and what led you to that first time you used a sitter!

Looking forward to your responses! :smiling_face:

Hello THS owners :wave:

The sitters thread has been really insightful, with lots of shared stories.

No pressure at all, but if you feel you would like to share anything on this thread about how you got started and represent owners on the forum/within the community that would be great :grin:

Allow me to assist.
I (we) live to travel and I/we have a dog (cat, bird, chicken, snake…) and so ….


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