'Paws' membership for life events


I’ve been a THS for over a year and I’ve built up a great profile and feedback which I’m really proud of as I’ve had some amazing sits and met some really great pets and owners.

Unfortunately I’ve just been told my Cancer has come back so I’m facing surgery which means I decided not to renew my membership for now as money will be tight. But I do hope you return once I am well enough; after all pets are the best therapy!

From what I understand, once you cancel you only get a certain length of time before your account is deleted. This is a real shame as I wouldn’t want to lose my profile. I understand they don’t want 100s of dormant profiles but it would be great if there was a ‘paws’ option for life events. Even if it was for 2 years, it would be reassuring to know.

What are yours thoughts on this?


I believe it is two years (due to European computer-privacy regulations).

And that in practice it can be longer.

Get well !

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So sorry to hear about your illness & I wish you a full recovery.
Best thing would be to contact Membership Services & explain your situation but, as @pietkuip says, they should keep your profile for two years.
Why don’t you also screen shot your reviews as an added back up?
All the best

Thank you.

I did think of that but the timing of my renewal came at a bad time so I missed the opportunity to do it.

I’m confident that two of my house sits with give me reference if I needed one, so all would not be lost.

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That’s good to know and understand that it would be necessary.

I guess I’d also like a pause option if it had happened mid-way through my membership. Kind of a good will gesture. My gym did something similar which was really helpful.

I paid a small nominal fee to keep my membership active but not lose it all together.