I’ve just seen a two week January sit in the UK where the HO is asking for a contribution towards the cost of heating. Just wondering what the official line is on this?
There is an earlier thread on this topic, and I’ll add the link here:
Paying to sit - Contributions to Utilities
You’ll see Angela’s response at January 17.
Your question will probably be merged into that post by forum staff when they’re next online.
Hi @MissisE - Our T&Cs and Code of Conduct specify in detail what is and what isn’t permitted when arranging house sits, in respect of personal needs and expectations. Making a request for a contribution towards utilities is a financial request that is permissible as long as it is stipulated clearly in the listing so that sitters can decide whether or not to apply in advance.
My personal experience - My partner and I are currently doing a long term sit (1 year +) where we are paying the electric bill, because the provision of a property without pets, the freedom to use as a base, in return for this payment and the garden maintenance means it is a win win for both parties. We’ve only ever considered this on a long-term sit, never on a short term sit where we would expect the home to be kept warm for us and the pets But this is the individual sitter’s choice.
Hope that helps.
Personally, I would not accept a sit that was asking for a contribution for utility bills unless it was a very long sit.
1 - It undervalues our service as sitters
2- It shows a lack of trust in the sitter to be sensible with the utility usage
I’m with Colin. For a two week sit I would not consider paying for utilities acceptable. I would consider it for a very long sit, depending on what the other duties were. But for such a short period, I think it’s ridiculous and shows that the HO likely is going to have unrealistic expectations about what the sitter should be responsible for.
Maybe if I was sitting for 6 months or a year. But from another side.
When I went back to grad school in 1991 I had a cat and an Irish Wolfhound. Finding a rental that would take me with the big dog was not going to happen and I was trying to save money too. So I looked for long-term pet/house sitting for faculty members going on sabbaticals. I was able to line up 3 places for 2 full years - no rent, but I did care for the animals and I did pay utilities.
That was fair to me.
Hi everyone,
We’ve been contacted by the owners of a future sit (after agreeing on the sit) asking for a small contribution towards charges, since energy prices have risen so much lately.
We politely refused to do so (sit is for a few weeks only in a warm country), but were wondering if this is something anybody else enountered or is this something we should expect more in the future with rising prices?
As a home owner, I think that’s a bit of a cheek but I can understand (a) if it’s a long sit or (b) the sitter wants to use something significantly more than the home owner would. (I’m in the UK; Im fairly liberal with my gas central heating on cold days but I dont have it on 24/7.)
I would have no qualms paying towards the energy bills on a long sit. If I was contributing at least I could run the heating if I was cold or turn the air conditioning if I was too hot without worrying about the cost to the house holder. It would give me peace of mind.
@ElsieDownie Totally agree for a longer sit, but for 3 weeks, in a warm country & after agreeing to sit?
I might if they had a/c and I like it cool. Otherwise, I think probably not.
That does sound a little excessive especially since everything was agreed.
Hi @Els I think that increased costs go both ways these days. No doubt sitters are or will incur increased travel costs as fuel prices escalate. My opinion is that whatever was agreed upon at the time of confirming a sit concerning any costs (or no costs) should remain unchanged. That’s my personal opinion.
I am thrifty and mindful of the cost of all utilities and it’s likely homeowners have lower bills when I’m at their home. However, one of my routine questions is to ask if any of their utility costs are all-inclusive (some rentals or condos), or if their electric/gas/water bills have certain time-of-day rates that are lower. I then keep that in mind so that I keep their bills as low as possible.
So true. My flight costs went up a bit (and forecast to go up a lot later this year) but my car rental is more than double.
I often find homes in the UK are cold but I’m cognizant of the cost of electric heat and try not to turn it up. Instead, I dress in layers. But honestly, sometimes I’d just like to say, "hey, I’m going to turn up the heat a bit. Please let me know how much extra your bill was this month and I’d be happy to pay the difference! "
I would agree to it if it was for air conditioning, even after the fact if the HO came back to me and said I’d really run up their bill. I’d feel horribly guilty!
I think the homeowners should have noted that in their listing to begin with. That’s usually the case - I’ve seen a few listings asking for contributions to utilities, etc. Then those sitters not interested in contributing wouldn’t apply in the first place.
@Globetrotter Exactly my thoughts!
I agree, it’s kind of like changing the goal posts. If you accept the sit with a certain understanding of the terms, and then they changed the terms, it would seem reasonable to push back, or rescind your availability based on this new information.
This wouldn’t sit well with me. First I would ask what temperature they typically set the thermostat to in April. If that is acceptable to you, you could tell them you would be fine with keeping it at that temperature and would not change the setting. I would then ask her why she did not mention this in her listing or during your first contact, that it was your understanding that this was an exchange of house and pet care for accommodations with no additional conditions.
Yes, the the price of everything has gone up. Just as their utilities have gone up, so have your travel expenses: gasoline/petrol; air fare; rental cars, food, both in the store and in restaurants; and incidentals. Based on her reaction and your feelings at that point, if she seems displeased you could tell her she has the option to cancel the sit and look for someone else who is amenable to paying for utilities. Or if she chooses, she can put her pets in a kennel and she won’t incur any extra utility expenses.
If you do decide to go ahead with the sit, make sure this interaction ends on a positive note as you want to be comfortable while you are there, and not on edge, and will want a good review from her.
I think this is against the ethos of TH. I would be a little reluctant to sit if someone asked this. If they had to pay a sitter it would be significantly more than a rise in electricity prices.