Paying To Sit - Contributions to Utilities

Hmm… to me it is in the same range as “switch off the light in rooms you’re not using” - common sense area. Thanks for telling me, I’ll keep it in then :slight_smile:

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It is common sense to be fair but unfortunately, it’s not that common.
The same people though will use Aircon in their car and keep the windows closed so what’s the difference, they just don’t think.

In holiday apartments, the Aircon will usually not work unless the balcony door is closed, again, the same principle.

Some folks just can’t join the dots.

Keep it in your listing to help those who can’t think logically.

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I had a pet sit last year during a major heat wave. It was brutal. The apartment had window a/c units and they needed to be kept on high during the entire sit to keep it at the reasonably comfortable temperature that I prefer. I told the host after arriving that I would leave her cash towards her electric bill because I wanted to be able to keep it cool inside without restrictions. I asked her not to put that in her review because I didn’t think it was something that is typical or should be expected.

For me, I’d rather not melt, and I personally did not want to feel like I had to keep my use of a/c limited so the host wouldn’t be faced with a high electric bill after I left. I did a return sit there, but the temps were cooler so I didn’t leave any contribution.


I would never have let you pay - why would I? Had I been home, I’d have run the AC myself anyway. You’re a guest, and it’s my obligation as a home owner to make sure you’re comfortable.


It’s the only time I have contributed, and in this case, I felt it appropriate. She didn’t ask, and I doubt she would have, but for me, it was the right choice.


After being here on THS for a year, I finally came across a sit where sitters are asked to contribute for utilities. As a H.O also, I think it is so rude to ask for money for heat or cooling when the pets I side the home need the exact same comfort as a human.

THS should really look into it.

It’s so important to leave a message about the windows… We had a sitter unknowingly mess our central air because they would blast it with the windows open. You have reminded me to put a little note on my windows to remind sitters.