Potential sitters not replying

The best possibilities would be to publish the dates on your listing and wait for sitters to apply.

Whether someone applies or not will depend heavily on whether your listing (location, home, pets, responsibilities) is such that it seems appealing to go there and stay there. So it is really important to put oneself in the shoes of a sitter and show why I would like to dig (deep) in my wallet and leave my home and pet to go to look after your pets. Which i do regularly and is why I pay a membership fee to THS, but I look for a nice get-away where I can live like a local and explore a new area/ community/ country. It doesn’t have to be lucurious and ofc walking/feeding/litter box is natural parts of a petsit, but also a modest home can be clean and welcoming.

Looking at other listings from hosts is a good idea, and there’s also great advice here on forum. Need Help With Your Owner Listing?