Product Update - Hello, Introducing The New Feature

Hello everyone!

I’d like to introduce myself as the new product manager at TrustedHousesitters, joining Ben and the rest of the product team :wave:

I’m excited to announce we have been working to create a new amenities section for Pet Parent / Owner listings to give you the opportunity to highlight key features of your home to Sitters searching for their next sit, like a cosy fireplace, a handy coffee maker or a garden with scenic views.

Some of you may have already noticed these additions to listing features, this was added to the website yesterday so please have a play around and let us know any feedback. You can find this in the listing area under ‘Your home’. It will also be added to the app shortly.

We will be working to make other improvements across the website and app and we thank you for all of your feedback, suggestions and ideas which are invaluable in identifying which areas will make the most difference to you.

All the best,


How exciting! I was just looking at a listing and was blown away by such a rapid change. I can’t wait to update my listing now!


Looks fantastic!
Such helpful information!


Welcome Lizzie.
Will sitters eventually be able to search for listings based on some of the new extensive amenities list?
Also as sitters can’t see what is available on the new list is there an accessible by public transport check box :crossed_fingers:


Hi Kootenaigirl, thanks for your questions. These features aren’t currently available but you’ll be pleased to know that we are considering both of them. Watch this space :slight_smile:

I just noticed the new amenities section on a sit. That is perfect!! My pet peeve has always been the bed size. I love that owners have the option to include what there is and isn’t. Thanks for listening to the requests!!


Great to see members speaking up when they discover a positive change.


I replied on a seperate thread with a pix showing off our 40 amenities :grin:
Pretty cool feature!

(This is MY listing)


I updated our listing. Very handy. They’re imitating the AirBnB model but, hey, it works! Thank you. :blush: :hugs


Hi @Kootenaigirl. I recently upgraded to a combined membership. Before that, I always had similar questions! I’ll paste below the current list of amenities. Though I won’t be surprised if things are added/removed later.

I purposely have the screenshots overlap slightly, so you know I didn’t miss anything.


Thank you Geoff, really appreciate that list.

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Just curious what kind of feedback you’ve received from sitters since the new Amenities list was implemented. I’d just like to say in the beginning I found it useful being a lot of HO hadn’t been listing many amenities otherwise. But now it’s literally a wash. I mean, I definitely notice when they don’t add anything much like in the past, like stating WiFi and that’s about it. But the longer list of amenities on every profile all look about the same to me. Are the HO building this list from scratch or is the list a default and they have to make selections? It’s just it all runs together and looks generic so I don’t know if I’m looking at an actual, realistic updated list or not.