Product update to avoid overbooking sits

Whoa, @Pawtastic, that is so smart, for a platform to allow a HO to say they have flexible dates, and to make it easier for potential sitters to contact them when dates are flexible.

THS’s changes over the last year have made it so much harder for sitters to find suitable potential sits, and so much more difficult to contact HOs about their available sits.

I love to hear about a pet sitting web site that is actually making it easier to facilitate great matches between HOs and sitters!

The pets win when great HO-sitter matches are easier to make! :heart_eyes_cat:


@Bluehorse I apologize. I should have been more specific. I am not talking about a Map Search. I am talking about a “regular” search.

If you search “Germany” and then look at the long list of current listings, below that, you will see the listings “not currently accepting applications.” You can browse and “favorite” those. Hope that makes more sense.

What other platform? I’m curious to find more.

that HO is a true hero


If you’re a joint member and the other party is as well, it’s also possible to connect without dates that way.

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Hi @PVGemini - unfortunately didn’t work either. I manually typed in Germany, the next quite annoying part is of course that I then have to manually click through each page to get to the last one (THS briefly had a continuous scroll function…that was wonderful!! But they quickly discontinued it again, reducing user friendliness). And then when I got to the end of the available Germany sits, there was nothing… no sits shown that are “Reviewing applications” (5 appl rule), or sits with “Currently not accepting applications”. By the way, I use THS on my laptop

@Bluehorse I just stepped through the process you’ve described and did see ‘Sits in Germany not currently accepting applications’ after the active listings. There were 79 listings accepting applications, which went through to the 7th screen. I’m also on the website on my laptop (Safari browser) and - although I don’t think it should make a difference - my sort by is set for newest. @PVGemini

@Snowbird Thank you for confirming this functionality. I don’t know why some members are unable to see the other listings. It is really a nice way to browse and “favorite” listings during free time. @Bluehorse

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@Bluehorse If you use the phone app its easier to get to the sits below the current listings. With the website you often have to click though multiple pages but on the app you just scroll on down!

I completely agree with Lindsay and this has happened to me this week. When was this ridculous new overlapping rule implemented? I have just signed up to the forum to rant about this topic. I have been on this site for 8 years with over 70 references and have picked up many sits in my hometown by initially writing to them when I was unable to do their sit. They subsequently contacted me direct. This week I had to ask a fellow TH friend to write on my behalf and they then contacted me as they were flexible with dates! Perversely I have just been approached by a HO when I am already booked on sit. So this new rule is only for sitters not for owners. I really hope TH read these comments and reverse this new policy. Whilst I am on a rant, the new switching off applications after 4 applicants is also ridiculous. I have a a friend who is an owner and they are fuming as they want to receive more than 4, surely it is up to the owner to turn off number of applicants when they want. Or as suggested, have a flexible option for owners.


Ab.R, I totally agree with you. Sometimes a home owner has been prepared to have a friend or neighbour in for first or last couple of days. I have actually taken a coupleof sits like this, where the owner contacted me. I would also like to be able to contact an owner if unable to do full dates. And frequently owners will enter a date prior to their departue, so housesitter can come a day early but is not always necessary and would equally be happy if you arrived on the day. End date can also be an extra day. Frequently home owners can be flexible.

Edited to keep on topic, please use the spyglass to discuss other features.


YES!!! I don’t know why THS seems to be putting in more and more restrictive policies all the time, most if not all of which make it harder and harder for owners and sitters to communicate in a respectful, yet flexible, way.


As a HO and a sitter in the network, I would have flatly refused this request as a HO and would not make such a request as a sitter.
THS has functional issues to address on the platform for sure and provides solutions that cause more issues it seems.

You’re absolutely right. We had a sit cancelled a month ago but it’s still showing in the app and blocking our availability so we can’t apply to another sit ( not that we are planning to do it). I reported it as a glitch but now I see that its a feature.

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You are soooo right about that!!!

@BunnyCat Just to mention, if you can kindly contact membership services so they can help have the cancelled dates removed off your dashboard.

There will always be someone there overnight just not both parties. What is the issue?

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What platform was that?

Not quite true. Rule 5.3.12 says that the pet should be there overnight (unless otherwise agreed): Terms & Conditions |

Member services have confirmed to me (when we experienced this earlier this year ) that a curtailed sit is a cancellation and covered by the Premium insurance.