Silversitters, thanks for clarifying.
As a full time sitter for over 9 years and 70 verified 5* references I have just come up against another issue regarding this ridiculous new rule. Many HO’s often advertise their dates but add a day either side, because they have not finalised their plans yet. But often they do this because they want the sitter to stay and have the night with them, particularly for more complex sits. So I was accepted for a sit but the sleepover with the owners was optional. I have just tried to apply for a sit prior but because the owner’s start date has in effect added an extra night I cannot apply! THS need to apply some common sense to this rule as others have suggested above, more flexibility is required to enable the wellbeing of pets not being left without applications. At the very least allow a 48 hr flexibility. I have spoken to 2 sitters now who have said they will not be renewing their membership. I just do not believe that a large amount of sitters were double booking themselves, meaning this new rule is providing pointless obstacles to grown adults, who have paid good money for premium memberships.
@Ab.R We have been in the exact same situation on several occasions when the HOs either mistaken or intentionally added a day(s) to the beginning/ end of a sit.
We have found out that owners can easily amend / edit the date themselves from their dashboard ( without cancelling the sit and re-listing ).
But for those who weren’t sure how to do this we were able to resolve it by getting member services to amend the date of the sit so it didn’t include the “optional “ day/s. We simply provided screenshots of our conversation with the HO confirming the days that we would be staying .
We did this via live chat - first asking to speak to a human ( as the chatbot won’t understand the request) It was sorted in a couple of minutes.
We are premium members and it doesn’t allow us to have overlapping sits anymore in any way.
Hey @Silversitters on my last listing I had to modify the dates. I did not see how to do that without canceling the sit then I just send private dates with the change.
When you get a chance, can you post how modifying without canceling is done?
@Bluehorse I am a sitter only. If I was HO I would not agree to your proposal in any way! I would have no guarantee that you were going to arrive. As you say, “this keeps your options open” but greatly reduces the HO’s options if you change your mind. A better idea would be to accept the sit after discussion with the HO asking the HO to amend the date in order that you can apply for the other sit. I did this recently, ensuring that my request was written as proof should any problem have arisen.
I’m seldom in a position of overlapping sits, so it’s not a situation I’d likely get into myself. However a few people have pointed out actually doing this.
E.g. the problem with having to ask the HO to adjust the dates such that you can apply for the other sit, is that the time lag between the other sit getting posted and the HO adjusting the dates may be too long to still be able to apply. After all, you always need to make sure to hit the Apply button before it reaches 5 applicants. So the sitter has an urgency, but the HO may not share that same sentiment and take 1 or more days to adjust the dates, as I understood that the process for doing so is not overly straightforward either
I just added dates to test.
Then went to delete the dates and saw this “rough dates,” so I clicked and saved.
Clicking rough dates did not change the listing.
Any thoughts?
Interesting. I’m a sitter but not a HO. I think if there is a rough days option, sitters should be able to apply even if dates overlap. How else would you be able to find out if the dates would work out?
@HelloOutThere I’m hoping they (the head honchos and production team) listened, saw sense, and are about to let owners post flexible dates that sitters with “maybe” overlapping dates can apply to/enquire about.
Never mind. Didn’t read the new “rough dates” thingy. That’s new. I’m more confused than ever!
So, enquiring minds want to know - how did the “rough dates” test work out? Were sitters able to contact you even with an overlap?
There seemed to be no change to the way the dates posted on the listing.
It may not be an active feature yet.
OK - thank you for letting us know. I’ll keep my eyes open for any updates.
@HelloOutThere If you were to post flexible dates sometime between the 9th and 16th February, I could test if I can apply, as we are booked then.
@Timshazz sure. I can do that now. Do you need to set up any favorites/saves before I do?
I still have you favorited
Ok. 757am…posted dates!
Now i will back in to delete…get the rough dates and click it once you get the alert.
The rough dates comes up when deleting posted dates
@HelloOutThere alert at 20:03. Tells me Im busy when I try to apply.