Product update to avoid overbooking sits

Ok. Clicked boxed 827am.

Got this dialog box too

@HelloOutThere interesting. Obviously something in the works.

Did you try to reapply afterI clicked the rough dates box?

Yes I did. Just tried again to make sure.i wonder if you just made it for 9th to 10th. So a very short overlap.

These are the dates.
It appears this an inactive feature.
Let’s see if @Carla can add more info at some point about the “rough dates” feature.

Going to cancel

these dates.

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This is a good thing. And I will say validating given all the posts here that this would go a long way in helping both petparents and sitters navigate the product update.

Hi All. I haven’t been following closely this update, so decided to ask here. Have there been any updates / news on Applying for overlapping sits?

I get it that THS pushes couple to get the second account and pay twice which greatly lowered my loyalty to the company.

I feel like sits in the same area / city should be allowed to overlap for 48 h or so and they can add an extra feature or button to confirm that both sides are aware and OK with the overlapping. There are options, it’s a no-brainer.

Do you think any changes are coming any time soon?

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Unlikely @Lolimpika
given what THS have said so far

Not sure this is a good news.
I have found myself in a situation where the pet parent didn’t have fixed dates as they still had to book flights and for this reason dates got changed in a second moment.
Another scenario, I’ve seen a few times a sitting where the pet parent highlights that dates are flexible.
I have a commitment for a sit and would love to apply for another one where dates overlap just for a day, the pet parent is flexible, but I am not able to apply for it.
This is a long sitting where, besides having the pleasure to sit with a lovely pet, it would allow me to avoid paying for an accommodation for two and more weeks. This is just making us missing opportunities and letting us spend more money to find alternative accommodations.
I would never apply for another sitting once I already have a prior commitment, unless dates are flexible like in this case.

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Recently I discovered another annoying feature of the no overlapping rule which I’d not factored in. I was scrolling through listings in a country I want to go and came across a couple of great looking sits with current dates that I’d like to make contact with -to express future interest, as I sometimes did in the past. In these cases- Its not a matter of overlapping a night or two- we are completely booked for the whole sit dates and beyond so we are not available at all, ir interested right now. . But this option is completely blocked by the message ‘You are busy on another sit’! I KNOW that!!! Its sooooo annoying! If they had additional later dates, we could still connect… Grrrrr…:rage:
There really should be a separate ‘Contact Host’ button- to make specific enquiries about a sit, to express future interest or to coordinate small overlap dates.
The combo of these two new rules- no overlaps and 5 apps/pause is seriously affecting the ability of grown up adult sitters and hosts to make good matches. Many people on both sides are missing out in situations when they could help each other, and all the pets too.


Hello @HelloOutThere Thank you for tagging me! I will need to check the ‘rough dates’ in more detail with the team. I know they are working on the inbox update which will update a few features… watch this space for when we know more!

Below is a list of what they are also working on as part of the overlapping sits:

I will update you all when I know more :slight_smile:

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I agree that there should be a way for sitters to contact homeowners as this is a service that the T&Cs say that THS will provide for sitters . So we are paying for the service but we are not receiving it :

“3.2. The services we provide for Sitters are:

3.2.5. the ability to communicate with Pet Parentsvia the Platform’s messaging service”

Also being discussed on this thread Contacting HomeOwners via THS

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Where would we be without you noting the appropriate terms, conditions & service @Silversitters. It really is very helpful, thank you :pray:


There should be at least the possibility for the sitter if not for applying for the flexible dates sitting, to be able to contact the PP for enquirying.
For example the PP could tick a box “are dates flexible?” and/or “do you want to be contacted by an applicant prior to the application?”.


Same here! My partner and I have overlapped on sits a touch in the past, and of course we always make sure that all pet parents involved are perfectly happy and comfortable with the idea before making any overlap arrangements. I’m really bummed by this “update”! The previous set-up worked so much better for us.


Hello everyone!

You might have noticed that this update about overlapping sits has reached over 1000 replies.

To make it a bit easier for members to see Trusted Housesitters’ position on the update, we have decided to close the old post to new replies, and start a new discussion post .

You can find the new discussion post along with the final update from the Product team here.

Because the update has been widely discussed for a while now, and because Trusted Housesitters have given a final response after reading everyone’s thoughts, this new post is for discussion around overlapping sits only and there will be no further updates given or feedback gathered by the Forum team.

We understand that many of our members feel strongly about the update, and while we’ve done our best to give you a voice and pass along your feedback, we’re unable to do this indefinitely.

We do want to give you a space to continue discussing the update, and we’re happy to let it remain open to new replies as long as they are within our Community Guidelines, but on the understanding that the Forum team won’t be actively passing further feedback to the team and won’t be providing any further updates at this time.

If that changes in future, we’ll be sure to let you know.
