Receiving invitations to sit on dates that are already booked with another sit

I guess I wouldn’t feel too insecure since the house won’t be empty and anyone who was lurking looking for empty homes would have a lot of work to do to determine where exactly the house was and when you’d be away. They’d also have to pay for a membership to see your listing so I’m sure there are easier ways to find actual empty homes?

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@anon4168721 I’m assuming you are a sitter. Correct that your sitter profile will have THS confirmed sit dates marked off automatically on your calendar. However, how would anyone on the site know where your usual home is? :thinking:

If you are the homeowner, as I think @Kelownagurl is thinking, then your home would be occupied and secured by a sitter. Plus your actual address would not be shown on the site.

Are we misunderstanding you?

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Yes I am a sitter and an experienced one at that. I mark my availability but I didn’t realize the calendar was automatically showing me as booked. As for knowing where I live, people have my name, my face and know the city I live in. It is quite easy in the times we live to find someone’s home address. I have a security gate around my home so that will help. Sadly, scammers, thieves and stalkers are very real worries for some. A membership fee is a relatively small hurdle. I will have to keep this in mind. I may go through my profile and remove some identifying details. Thanks all.

Only members can see your profile and it only has your first name. I can look for sitters in my area and check out their calendars I guess, but I have no idea if they have someone looking after their home or not, even if I could somehow figure out where they live. I guess if you’re still really worried about it, make sure there are no photos of your own home in your profile.

I just did that. I logged out of my account and logged in. Every link to a sit or a sitter profile is immediately blocked by a popup asking me to join. Is there a way around that because I haven’t found one?

Here’s what I see if I click my profile link when I’m not logged in.

And when I search for a sit.

OK I tried cutting and pasting, I was able to access my profile. Clunky but it would work. That being said, I’m still not worried about it. It doesn’t have my last name and there’s no real way to find out my address (not that I’ve done anything to protect myself because someone’s always at my house when I’m away anyway.)

Plus half the members don’t fully understand how the calendar works :wink: so I still think the chances of a criminal using this as a way to try to find empty homes is really stretching at things. There are probably more hints of an empty house on a person’s Facebook page that this convoluted method. :slight_smile: