Repeated sit notifications

Does anyone else get repeated notifications for the same sit? I get excited because I think it’s a new sit but it turns out to be one that’ I’ve already seen three or four times. Why is this?


Same here @Dingle. I’m assuming the owners are boosting/ making slight alterations to their listing etc so it becomes “new” again! Our excitement turns rapidly to disappointment and frustration!!


It’s been mentioned and discussed before on the forum but it would be soooo helpful if we could delete sits that will never be of interest, then those sits shouldn’t keep popping up. Hey ho!


@Smiley That’s a great idea! As well as being able to favourite a sit being able to say that something is of no interest due to location; requiring a car; dates; only suitable for single/couple; unsuitable for children/other pets etc could be useful to prevent seeing ads that are of no interest

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Yes. Drives me crazy. Had the same one for Cyprus 4 times in the last two days…:roll_eyes::roll_eyes:

I’ve definitely noticed this too, but I’ve also noticed it’s happening with sits that I think are very popular. I believe the ones I’m seeing are hitting the five application limit, declining the applicants, and then it’s getting relisted. They pop up in my favorites, but show applications under review, and then pop up again about an hour later only to have the same thing happen again, and again. One more frustration for owners, and sitters with the five limit “improvement.”


Hi, that makes sense. The ones I’ve been seeing pop up over and over or for Hawaii. It must be hitting the limit and then re-posting. How annoying! Bev

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I think if you have a premium membership you can also keep boosting them so they continue to show in sitters feeds as “new” :+1:

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I would love to know if this is the case. I saw an opening for a sit on my phone. I then went to my computer to apply. The date I wanted was already blocked out. (there were 5 different dates to choose from. So I went to my phone again and I then applied from my phone. It went through but wasn’t read. Is there a lag between the 2? What happens when an owner deletes 1 application only? Does the petsit go online to get 1 more? I am so confused.


This is absolutely due to the 5 application limit as I have had this confirmed by THS themselves.
I experienced this behaviour and thought the alert system was broken but it seems this is the way it will behave now.
If you have alerts for a busy location or particular sit and are not quick enough to be in the first 5 applications you will not see it. Since the alerts can be delayed and it could be 30+ minutes since it went live it could already be full when you get the alert.
If it reopens due to the owner rejecting the one of the 5 applications it will alert again but if you look after someone has applied and filled that slot it will be gone. So you can have it alerting several times a day potentially.

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@kelsin A seriously flawed, time wasting process. I can’t believe they couldn’t see all these consequences when they implemented this ‘improvement’. Or maybe they did and simply don’t care.


There are a few reasons why a sit could appear as a new listing again, as @Cuttlefish mentioned if the owner boosts their listing it will appear as new, also as the topic has discussed if the owner declines one of their applications.
There are other reasons that have always made listings pop up multiple times, such as if an owner posts new dates for the same listing - for example, confirms a sitter then posts new dates (recently saw this one where an owner posted for a weekend sitter, confirmed one then straight away posted for the following weekend confirmed one and continued to do this) or deletes their dates and then reposts their dates/amends dates. Also if the sit gets cancelled for any reason and the owner reposts dates.
However, as you have mentioned that there has seemed to be an increase recently I will pass all of this feedback on.
Thank you


@Dingle @temba I was going to post asking exactly the same question. Super frustrating to get pinged for new sits only to find it’s the same ones popping up. The ones I’m seeing don’t seem to be hitting the 5 applicants limit. I assume any changes to the listing a HO makes pushes it through as ‘new’?
I did contribute to the ‘wish list’ post of things we’d like to see added to the site and a ‘block’ button like the ‘favourite’ one would be so useful. It could almost be like a swipe left or right (or whatever Tinder does :roll_eyes::rofl:) method.
This would then cut down hugely on having repeated unsuitable sits coming through on notifications. Much more user friendly!


Moderators/ Ben: Is there something that can be done about this issue? I have notifications set for Hawaii and have receive an alert for the same sit (same exact dates) no less than 20 times in the past several days. It is a sit I applied for and was declined (I would add with no note even though I fit all the criteria for the sit, have lots of experience and only great reviews.) It is clear these folks keep hitting the 5 applicant-limit and are re-opening the sit over and over again in search for what appears to be some kind of unicorn. From the sitter perspective this is not only annoying but makes me want to deactivate my alerts for the area which means I would miss out on actual other sits. Beyond the obvious fix to remove the 5- applicant rule, which so many sitters and owners are very clearly requesting, is there some way to address this very frustrating issue?


Hi @Freebird we have passed your feedback on to the team …

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I couldn’t agree more! I’ve had exactly the same experience as you with Hawaii and I can imagine who you’re talking about. I wish they would just pick someone already. It’s really annoying.! Bev