Short notice sits

@LargedogsinSpain I’m happy to hear that you’ve taken the plunge. Keep in mind that you’re now onto your next step in communication with your chosen sitters. Take the time to create and share your Welcome Guide. By providing this information, it reduces the time they may have to interrupt your travels with questions.

You may also find this blog post helpful: How to prepare for the arrival of your sitter. From a practical standpoint, just think about how you would welcome a guest into your home at any time, and how you like to be treated as a guest. Chances are then that all will go well. :slightly_smiling_face:

Don’t forget to give your sitters your preferences as to how you’d like to be updated, and how often. As a sitter, we’d rather know, than guess and be wrong. Our THS mantra: Communication is Key :blush:

Volunteer moderator :canada:

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I just also joined as a petsitter asking a similar question as I’m already dogminder here in Ireland and only have a short window to travel away with my teenage daughter. If you need me I am only available 19th -27th July which is even sooner than your plans. Otherwise I hope you get sorted. Im sure other regular sitters will know.

@Nicicat7 you have replied to a post from two years ago !