What are the chances of finding a last minute housesit in Spain?

Hi I’ve just signed up as a housesitter and am really hoping to get something very soon in Spain. I am already a dogminder all year round with Daycare & Boarding. Reason I’d ike to go to Spain is to help my 14year old with the language & culture. She is also a regular petminder with her own clients. What are our chances at this late stage in securing something? Our free window is small as Ive to return to minding dogs here in Ireland again and will need to try again another time…

(Edited to remove sit request dates as per posting terms)

As far as western Europe goes, Spain is probably one of the most common countries for which you will see listings. But you won’t see the type of volume you do for somewhere like the UK or US for example. So while they are common enough that there is certainly a shot, they are not so numerous that you are guaranteed you’ll see something no matter your dates or length of time for which you are available. Also, the fact that you are limited in your time frame can reduce chances–the more criteria a listing has to meet, the more our options get narrowed.

Also, from what I have observed, many sits in Spain seem to be in rural areas that will require you to have your own vehicle, so not sure if that is the type of sit and experience that you would be interested in. The great thing about this site is you never know what listings will be posted day to day so just keep your eye out!


I agree with @KC1102.
While there are definitely sits in Spain, there is also an awful lot of competition.

Make sure you set up ‘Spain’ in your saved searches so you are notified as soon as a sit comes u and can apply straight away. Good luck!

Thank you for your response :slight_smile: Is there a way of getting notifications of new postings? If I set my criteria?

Ok I’ll look into that thank you :blush:

Hi @Nicicat7 - yes, you save sits you like as your favourites - so if you love the 14 live Spanish ones now then save them all. And then you can also save Spain & various locations within Spain e.g Mallorca or Madrid, for set dates too as more saved searches. The first one tends to alert you before the generic one but do both! #inwithachance

Thank you. I really hope we find something. Quite excited about the idea :bulb:

Welcome @Nicicat7
Do you have external references ?
Can you do a last minute sit close to home to get a review ?
That will really help you pick up a sit in Spain which is a very popular destination for sitters .

You can also try using Nomador, Mindmyhouse or Facebook pages such as ‘petsitting Spain,’ or ‘petsitting Barcelona’ etc - I see posts there quite regularly. I’m currently on a 2 month sit in Madrid that I found through Nomador. Workaway could be another option too - there’s lots of gigs on there in Spain, or there’s always couch surfing. Good luck! :es:


My hubby and I are currently sitting around Spain and love it! I just checked listings and there are currently only 9 listings with live dates! Competition is severe here and most new listings go to ‘reviewing’ within hours, or even minutes! Your chances are slim of finding one that fits your dates and beating the competition! But I do wish you luck! Put Spain (and your dates) as a saved search and check it multiple times a day. That’s the only way unfortunately!

On the other hand if you were looking to sit in the UK there are currently 3241 live listings!!! You’d have your pick- easy peasy!

Hi @Nicicat7

We will do two THS sits in Spain this summer July - August. Both of them went into “reviewing applications” in under 30 minutes so it is quite competitive alright as other posters have said. Great advice from @Nagy26 about the other sites to check out. Best of luck :smiling_face::four_leaf_clover: