Sits not accepting applications

I’m new. Looking for a sit in specific city in Europe. Only 4 available, the rest saying “not currently accepting applications” although showing dates for the sit and saying “reviewing”. Also I’m asked to save it in case it becomes available. I’m not sure what all that means. Thanks to anyone who can explain it to me

Welcome @Pishpish20 !

They have reached the max of five applications. If you favorite listings you are interested in, you will get a notification when they publish dates. That can happen also if one of them decline an application of the five so that a spot opens up. Very popular places can reach the max of five appl. in minutes after published dates.

If you want sits in very desirable places you are best adviced now to get some reviews as that will be important to a host so that you will be chosen. It is often easiest to apply for local and short sits, for instance for a weekend. This will give you reviews but also experience so that you can learn what questions to ask, what to look for in a sit and to choose wisely based on your criterias.

Best of luck!


You will find it quite hard to get a sit exactly where you want if you are new and have no reviews. Competition for some places is high. Reviewing means they already have 5 applications and the sit is closed until they have looked at those people. If you save a sit you will get a notification if it comes up again. Much better to start local and build up reviews


Thanks for the explanation :blush: