Thanks for that suggestion, that would be perfect for us HO to really see who would be available.
So few sitters show the blue available, others just x out ( / the date),
Very confusing .
Thanks for that suggestion, that would be perfect for us HO to really see who would be available.
So few sitters show the blue available, others just x out ( / the date),
Very confusing .
@Sprocket A black line across the white background is for a THS sit. That’s automatically generated when a sit is confirmed. It’s not something the sitter is manually doing.
As a sitter, how do you I look at and update my “Calendar Availability”?
I’d like to block off times when I’m not available to travel.
I don’t see if from my Dashboard… or am I missing something?
Hi @SitterSandy,
I merged your question into this thread because it has the best detailed instructions to help you with your calendar availability.
Feel free to tag myself or another forum team member if you have more questions,
Maybe this has been posted already but can you please explain the way that you can do this but distinguish it between your mobile or the actual website? Because I found unfortunately there’s a lot of things you can’t do on the mobile site which is a little bit annoying. I can’t do anything to edit or change my calendar on the mobile site when I click edit on the calendar it just pops up my dashboard with no way to edit it. I haven’t tried on my computer yet but It’s annoying that there are some things you can only do on a website versus the mobile.
Hi @kdukat. I agree, it can be … tricky … communicating about app vs mobile website vs desktop website, plus iPhone vs Android, Mac vs Windows.
I was just looking at calendar issues on the desktop website (Calendar does not appear on my profile - #9 by geoff.hom). I think I can explain how to edit the calendar on the mobile website.
The main issue is a bug with how the “Manage availability” button is positioned on the website. Earlier in this topic (May '22), there’s a screenshot where it looks okay (Sitter AVAILABILITY Calendar - and how to edit/add/delete dates and location - #42 by thejohnsfam).
That button is now shifted way right, almost off-screen. (I’m on a MacBook Air and using Safari.)
Note that the button is part of the “My Sitter Profile” box of your dashboard. So, even on the mobile website, when you get to your dashboard, then scroll down to “My Sitter Profile,” reveal it, then scroll right, then tap on “Manage availability.” See below:
Tagging @Ben-ProductManager so he can report this bug. (I don’t know where/how/whom to report bugs.)
I know it must be simple and obvious, but I need guidance.
Hello @anon84784007, hopefully, this thread will help answer your questions, along with this helpdesk article:
If you need more help then feel free to reach out to me
O, Carla, So sorry. How lazy can I be? I just need and love human contact, albeit, digital-human-contact. Thank you. This thread is great, so much info. I can just learn so much. I am reading it all now. Aloha, Love, Claire
@anon84784007 Please do not worry at all. You are new to the forum and we are all here to help each other learn and get the most out of using the forum and the available tools. Ask away anytime and I will gladly help direct you
Carla, I am not seeing or finding-- is there a way to message you privately, like I maybe would have been better to do in this past query? Thanks!
@anon84784007 Yes of course you can private message me, any moderator or other community members. The steps are here:
You can use the spyglass and add keywords to search for previous topics. If you miss one and start a new post do not worry as we will gladly just merge it for you into the relevant topic and you can also reach out via DM’s
THANK you, Carla! I love this. I just “managed my availability” like a champ! FYI, as mentioned by Geoff in thread you sent. The “manage your av.” was OFF THE PAGE to the right, on my MacBook Pro, which is why I did not see it at all.
Once I knew where to look for it, I found it, but ugh.
Hope they can tidy that up, for others. It is way too far to the right. Easy to miss.
So fun to get savvy here, with your help.
Nice day to you, Carla.
Walking the dog for me, now, Claire + Tarkina
@anon84784007 Yay so glad that you got it sorted. Thank you for the reminder and I will get that issues followed up on for you and @geoff.hom
Happy dog walk
Way too far to the right on my MacBook Air also, Geoff, Thanks for your expert post here. Wow! I just had to ask, and found out why I was not seeing the “manage your availability” link. I let Moderator know this is still an issue here. Bless you, Claire + Lady Tarkina Snowfire, Catahoula X Blue Heeler
@geoff.hom Just an update for you. This has been raised as an issue with the tech team and they report that it is only happening when using Safari, it should be viewed as normal if you use another browser such as Google Chrome. They have it in as a fix. Thank you for raising this
Is it possible to update the calendar in your profile to show dates you are not available? We have some holidays booked but haven’t been able to block them out, so have been receiving requests to sit as we are showing availability.
Hi @teamcot. We moved your post here, so you could see what people have said about sitter calendars and how to update them.
Please note that you can only add dates that you ARE available to sit (in green) and this will automatically mark the other dates as unavailable. So everything in white is supposed to mean unavailable and the white dates with strikes are dates with THS.
I think many people read the dates in white without strike out as available. I did until recently.